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引用本文:耿朝娜,秦琳,赵岚,刘坚一. 常州市城镇化对工业废水排放量的影响——以江苏省常州市为例[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2016, 0(22). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0517-6611.2016.22.071
作者姓名:耿朝娜  秦琳  赵岚  刘坚一
摘    要:基于熵值法对常州市城市化水平进行评估,以2005~2014年数据为基础观察当地工业废水排放量变化趋势,运用灰色关联分析法研究城镇化对常州工业废水排放量的具体影响。结果表明:经济、人口和社会城镇化是影响工业废水排放量的主要因素;第二产业在工业中占据的比例是影响工业废水排放量的最主要的指标;城镇化的发展对工业废水排放量的影响处于减小趋势。

关 键 词:城镇化  工业废水排放量  熵值法  灰色关联度

Effects of Urbanization on Industrial Wastewater Discharge---A case of Changzhou City in Jiangsu Province
Abstract:The level of urbanization was evaluated in Changzhou City by entropy method.Based on the data from 2005 to 2014, change trend of industrial wastewater emission was observed.Grey correlation analysis was used to research the effects of urbanization on the industrial wastewater discharge of Changzhou City.Results showed that economy, population and society urbanization were the main factors affecting the industrial wastewater discharge.Proportion of secondary industry in industry was the main indicator influencing the discharge amount of indus-trial waste water.Impact of urbanization development on industrial wastewater discharge was in a declining trend.
Keywords:Urbanization  Industrial waste water discharge  Entropy method  Grey correlation degree
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