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AFLP analysis of diploid species in the genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis
Authors:Norihiko Tomooka  Mun Sup Yoon  Koji Doi  Akito Kaga  Duncan Vaughan
Affiliation:(1) National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Kannondai 2-1-2, Tsukuba, 305-8602, Japan;(2) Rural Development Administration, Genetic Resources Division, Bioresources Department, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, Suwon, 441-707, Republic of Korea
Abstract:A representative set of germplasm of genusVigna subgenus Ceratotropis specieswas used to analyze genetic diversity using amplified fragment lengthpolymorphism (AFLP) methodology. The germplasm was selected based onmorphological diversity and geographic origin and includes 18 out of the 21species in the subgenus Ceratotropis. Genetic diversitywithin and between taxa was measured using information generated by AFLP bandpolymorphism from which Jaccard's similarity coefficient and nucleotidediversity were estimated. The data were also used to generate phenograms tovisualize relationships among analyzed accessions. All species in sectionsCeratotropis and Aconitifoliae arewell separated. However, most of the species in sectionAngulares show a high level of similarity suggesting a lowlevel of genetic differentiation. In section Angulares onespecies, V. trinervia, is welldifferentiated from the other species and represents a separate evolutionarybranch between section Ceratotropis and other species insection Angulares. The relationships between the newlydescribed species V. aridicola,V. exilis, V.nepalensis and V.tenuicaulis and other species in the subgenusCeratotropis are described for the first time based on AFLPdata.
Keywords:AFLP  Ceratotropis  Genetic diversity  Genetic resources  Taxonomy  Vigna
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