核苷酸饲料添加剂的使用效果及作用机理探讨 |
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引用本文: | 武彬,;井庆川,;刘雪兰,;阎佩佩,;魏祥法,;张燕,;石天虹,;姬大庆. 核苷酸饲料添加剂的使用效果及作用机理探讨[J]. 山东家禽, 2014, 0(12): 45-50 |
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作者姓名: | 武彬, 井庆川, 刘雪兰, 阎佩佩, 魏祥法, 张燕, 石天虹, 姬大庆 |
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作者单位: | [1]山东省农业科学院家禽研究所,山东济南250031; [2]山东健康康实业股份有限公司,山东济南250031; [3]济南中裕建信牧业科技有限公司,山东济南250031 |
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基金项目: | 基金项目:山东省现代农业产业技术体系家禽创新团队建设项目(SDAIT-13-011-06);济南市成果转化项目(201305015). |
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摘 要: | 核苷酸已逐渐被看做是一种条件营养素。对于处于快速生长期的肉仔鸡、肉鸭、断奶仔猪等幼龄动物,应该保证饲料中含有足够的核苷酸。本文分别从饲料业重点关注的提高日增重,缩短饲养周期;增强消化功能,降低饲料能量蛋白需求;减少腹脂沉积,提高屠体价值;提高健康程度,降低死淘率;以及增强甜菜碱对蛋氨酸的替代作用等五项生产性能指标出发,初步综述和探讨了补充外源核苷酸的使用效果和对应的作用机理。旨在对增强饲料科学研究人员和从业者对核苷酸添加剂的认识,起到抛砖引玉的作用。
关 键 词: | 核苷酸 饲料 添加剂 生产性能 |
Review of the effects and mechanism of nucleotide feed additive |
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Affiliation: | WU Bin,JING Qing-chuan,LIU Xue-lan,YAN Peipei,WEI Xiang-fa, ZHANG Yan,SHI Tian-hong,J1 Da-qing( 1.Poultry Institute, Shandong Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Jinan 250023, China ; 2.Shandong Jiankangkang lndustrial incorporated Company, Jinan 250031, China) |
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Abstract: | Nueleotide has been regarded as a conditional essential nutrient. For the hruiler chickens, ducks, and weaning piglets, young animals in the period of rapid growth should ensure sufficient nucleotides in feed. Effeets of nueleotide additive on production performance indexes are foeus on in feed industry. The five effects are to improve the daily weight gain and shorten the feeding period, to enhance the digestive function and lrduee feed energy and protein requirements, to reduee the abdominal fat deposition and improve the carcass value, to improve the health level and reduce mortality, and to enhance the substitulion effeet of hetaine on methionine. The using effect and corresponding ,nechanisms of added exogenous nucleotides are preliminary reviewed, in order to enhance the understanding of the feed science researchers and practitioners on nueleotide additive. |
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Keywords: | Nucleotide Feed Additive Production performance |
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