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引用本文:刘霞,王丽萍,天谷孝夫. 达拉特旗井灌条件下农田水利用及地下水动态分析研究[J]. 中国农村水利水电, 2011, 0(10)
作者姓名:刘霞  王丽萍  天谷孝夫
作者单位:1. 内蒙古农业大学水利与土小建筑工程学院,呼和浩特,010018
2. 岐阜大学府用生物科学部,日本岐阜,5011193
基金项目:国家教育部博士点新进教师基金(20101515120005); 内蒙古科学自然基金(2010BS0609); 博士科研启动基金项目(BJ09-26)
摘    要:以达拉特旗壕庆河流域为研究对象,通过对该区地下水位和水质的监测及农田水利用状况的调查,摸清地下水的年动态变化规律及水质分布,初步估算该研究区农田灌溉地下水年开采量,从而为本流域的地下水资源评价及合理开发,高效利用提供一定的依据。根据数据分析结果,地下水是从西南流向东北方向,补给黄河南岸引黄灌区。观测期间地下水位年际变化受降雨的影响较大,总体呈上升趋势,变化幅度为0.5~1.5m。pH值超过8.5,呈碱性水,部分区域地下水矿化度为0.5~0.9g/L,可用于农业灌溉,随着地下水流动的方向,水质逐渐变差,下游的盐分浓度最大到2.6g/L,需要合理进行灌溉防止土壤盐碱化。通过遥感图片识别分析计算出该区农田面积为1 398hm2,农业灌溉年开采地下水量为516万m3。

关 键 词:井灌溉  地下水位  水质  动态变化  农田水利用

An Analysis of Agricultural Water Utilization and Groundwater Variation,Underground Irrigation in Dalate Banner
LIU Xia,WANG Li-ping,TAGAO Amaya. An Analysis of Agricultural Water Utilization and Groundwater Variation,Underground Irrigation in Dalate Banner[J]. China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2011, 0(10)
Authors:LIU Xia  WANG Li-ping  TAGAO Amaya
Affiliation:LIU Xia1,WANG Li-ping1,TAGAO Amaya2(1.College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,Agricultural University of Inner Mongolia,Hohhot 010018,China,2.Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences,Gifu University,Gifu 5011193,Japan)
Abstract:In this paper,annual dynamic change of groundwater,water quality distribution and groundwater exploitation for irrigation are studied for Haoqing Rriver basin in Dalate Banner by monitoring the level,quality of ground water and surveying agricultural water use.And the research results provide a rational development plan and an efficient use of groundwater resources.The results show that the groundwater flows from the northeast to the southwest and recharges to the irrigation area on the south bank of the Ye...
Keywords:Well irrigation  Groundwater  Water quality  Dynamic change  Agricultural water utilization  
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