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引用本文:熊集兵,常会庆,何振立,杨肖娥. 低温条件下满江红对地表水氮磷的去除效应研究[J]. 水土保持学报, 2007, 21(6): 96-98
作者姓名:熊集兵  常会庆  何振立  杨肖娥
作者单位:1. 环境修复与生态健康教育部重点实验室,浙江大学,环境与资源学院,杭州,310029
2. 河南科技大学,洛阳,471003
摘    要:在冬季低温条件下研究了利用固氮植物满江红对模拟的不同磷浓度地表水的氮磷去除效应。结果表明,在各种磷浓度下,满江红对铵态氮、硝态氮和可溶性磷均有较好的去除效果,在试验结束的时候,溶液铵态氮、硝态氮去除率分别达94.04%和95.46%以上。磷的去除率随污染水体磷水平提高而增加,在处理前水体磷污染水平分别为0.1,0.4,1.6 mg P/L的条件下,其去除率分别达到87.0%,96.8%,99.0%。在磷污染水平提高时,满江红的生长量均有增加。满江红的生长量、植物体氮和磷浓度均随水体中磷的水平增加而提高。研究表明,满江红对富营养化地表水营养盐去除效果较好,可作为富营养化地表水修复植物。

关 键 词:满江红  富营养化地表水    

Effects of Azolla filiculoides lam.on Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Surface Water under Low Temperature
XIONG Ji-bing,CHANG Hui-qing,HE Zhen-li,YANG Xiao-e. Effects of Azolla filiculoides lam.on Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Surface Water under Low Temperature[J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007, 21(6): 96-98
Authors:XIONG Ji-bing  CHANG Hui-qing  HE Zhen-li  YANG Xiao-e
Abstract:Water fern(Azolla filiculoides lam.) has been assessed for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from surface water at different P levels during low temperature season.The results showed that the plants had a good capability to remove NH 4-N,NO-3-N,and P from water at different phosphorus levels.At the end of experiment(grown for 16 days),the removal rates of NH 4-N,NO3-N were above 94.04% and 95.46%,respectively.The removal rates of different P varied with initial P pollution levels,and reached by 87.00%,96.75%,and 99.00% for initial P levels of 0.1,0.4 and 1.6 mg P/L,respectively.Plant growth increased with increasing P pollution levels in the water body.Plant dry matter yield,total N,and total P concentrations in the plant increased with increasing of P levels in the waters.The results showed that Azolla filiculoides can be a good candidate for phytoremediation of eutrophicated surface water.
Keywords:Azolla filiculoides lam.  eutrophicated surface water  nitrogen  phosphorus
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