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引用本文:陈方新,齐永霞,吴红星,刘川琴,罗亮,高智谋. 苎麻疫霉对几种杀菌剂的离体敏感性测定[J]. 勤云标准版测试, 2006, 0(4)
作者姓名:陈方新  齐永霞  吴红星  刘川琴  罗亮  高智谋
作者单位:安徽农业大学植保学院 合肥230036(陈方新,齐永霞,刘川琴,罗亮,高智谋),安徽省望江县高士农技站 望江246260(吴红星)
摘    要:在实验室条件下,研究了苎麻疫霉(PhytophthoraboehmeriaeSawada)对甲霜灵、地茂散、代森锰锌和杀毒矾的离体敏感性。结果显示,甲霜灵、地茂散、代森锰锌和杀毒矾对苎麻疫霉的菌丝生长抑制EC50平均值分别为0.0295mg/L、2.0283mg/L、25.1452mg/L和2882.8708mg/L,表明供试苎麻疫霉菌株对甲霜灵表现极为敏感,最低达0.0194mg/L;而对杀毒矾抗药性极强,最高达10158.7122mg/L,且各菌株间的最大差异达49.9倍。利用SPSS软件分析表明,各供试杀菌剂对苎麻疫霉菌株的质量浓度EC50值之间均不存在显著相关性,表明苎麻疫霉对上述杀菌剂的抗性或敏感性间不存在交互作用。

关 键 词:苎麻疫霉  杀菌剂  敏感性  测定

In vitro Determination of Sensitivity to Several Fungicides of Phytophthora boehmeriae
Chen Fangxin,Qi Yongxi,Wu Hongxing,Liu Chuanqing,Lo Liang,Gao Zhimou. In vitro Determination of Sensitivity to Several Fungicides of Phytophthora boehmeriae[J]. , 2006, 0(4)
Authors:Chen Fangxin  Qi Yongxi  Wu Hongxing  Liu Chuanqing  Lo Liang  Gao Zhimou
Affiliation:1College of plant protection of An.hui Agricultural university, hefei 230036, China; 2Gaoshi Station of Agro-technical Extension, Wangjiang 246260
Abstract:The sensitivity of Phytophthora boehmeriae sawada to metalaxyl, chloronobe, mancozeb and oxadixyl-mancozeb were studied in vitro. The results showed that the average EC50 value of metalaxyl, chloronobe, mancozeb and oxadixyl-mancozeb to the tested isolates of P. boehmeriae were 0.0295mg/L, 2.0283 mg/L, 25.1452mg/L and 2882.8708mg/L, respectively. It suggested that all tested strains were still sensitive to metalaxyl and chloronobe, but displayed high resistance to oxadixyl-mancozeb, with the highest EC50 value 10158.7122mg/L. With the SPSS software analyzing, the EC50 values of all tested strains of P. boehmeriae to all tested fungicides showed no obvious correlations, which suggested that there were no interactions in resistance or sensitivity among the tested fungicides.
Keywords:Phytophthora boehmeriae   Fungicide   Sensitivity   Determination
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