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引用本文:刘家春,张子贤,张慕飞,陈平龙,王志辉. 轴流泵站经济运行方案的确定[J]. 排灌机械, 2006, 24(6): 20-23
作者姓名:刘家春  张子贤  张慕飞  陈平龙  王志辉
作者单位:1. 江苏省建筑节能工程技术研究开发中心,江苏,徐州,221008;徐州建筑职业技术学院,江苏,徐州,221008
2. 徐州建筑职业技术学院,江苏,徐州,221008
3. 徐州市水利局,江苏,徐州,221008
摘    要:轴流泵站建成后,灌排区域内作物组成、水文、气象等因素将发生变化,引起泵站进出水池水位、泵站扬程和流量发生变化,致使泵站运行效率低,能源消耗高.为保证泵站在原有设备的条件下经济合理地运行,达到提高泵站效率,降低能源消耗,减少运行费用的目的,提供了根据泵站的提水流量、进出水池水位和泵站扬程的变化。通过调节轴流泵的叶片安装角度,来提高泵站效率和降低能源消耗的技术措施,给出了用系统分析的方法确定轴流泵经济运行方案的数学模型、约束条件和求解方法.通过多座泵站的应用,并经泵站测试,泵站效率已得到提高,取得了良好的效果.为泵站的经济运行提供了依据.

关 键 词:轴流泵站  经济运行  数学模型  计算软件

Determination of economical operation program at draining pump station
LIU Jia-chun,ZHANG Zi-xian,ZHANG Mu-fei,CHEN Ping-long,WANG Zhi-hui. Determination of economical operation program at draining pump station[J]. Drainage and Irrigation Machinery, 2006, 24(6): 20-23
Authors:LIU Jia-chun  ZHANG Zi-xian  ZHANG Mu-fei  CHEN Ping-long  WANG Zhi-hui
Affiliation:1. Jiangsu Research and Development Centre of Architectural Energy-Saving Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China; 2. Xuzhou Architectural Technical Collage, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China; 3. Water Conservancy Bureau of City of Xuzhou, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China
Abstract:After an axial-flow pump station is completed, the water levels of inlet and outlet sumps, head of pump station and capacity of pump station will all change with changes in the irrigation and drainage area, cropping pattern, hydrological and meteorology effects, resulting in low efficiency and high energy consumption. The keep the pump stastion running at economic condition a mathematical model and restraining condition based on system analysis and the solving methods are given for determining the economical operation alternative. By applying the model to reality, the efficiency of pump station is improved.
Keywords:axial-flow pump station   economical operation   mathematic model   calculate software
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