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引用本文:廉晓娟,李明悦,王艳,张余良,贺宏达,王正祥. 基于GIS的天津滨海新区土壤盐渍化空间分布研究[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2012, 0(5): 2746-2748,2751
作者姓名:廉晓娟  李明悦  王艳  张余良  贺宏达  王正祥
摘    要:通过野外采样调查和GIS技术相结合,对天津滨海新区进行土壤盐渍化分布调查。结果表明,滨海新区土壤全盐平均含量为0.818%,土壤pH平均值为8.43,土壤Cl-和Na+的平均含量接近,分别为0.27%和0.22%;从滨海新区土壤全盐空间分布上来看,从西部到东部沿海基本呈条带状分布,土壤全盐含量逐渐升高。对不同盐渍化程度土壤的分布面积进行了统计,非盐渍化土壤分布面积很少,仅占土地总面积的3.18%,轻度盐渍化土壤分布面积为107.43 km2,占土地总面积的6.34%,中度盐渍化土壤分布面积173.51 km2,占土地总面积的10.24%,重度盐渍化土壤分布面积为217.36 km2,占土地总面积的12.82%。盐土面积为1 142.8 km2,占滨海新区陆地总面积的67.42%,其中全盐含量为0.6%~1.0%、1.0%~1.5%、1.5%的分布面积分别为388.47、411.82、342.51 km2,分别占总面积的22.92%、24.30%、20.21%。

关 键 词:GIS  土壤盐渍化  土壤全盐  滨海新区  空间分布

Study on Spatial Distribution of Soil Salinization Based on GIS in Tianjin Binhai New Area
Affiliation:LIAN Xiao-juan et al(Tianjin Institute of Agriculture Resources and Environment Sciences,Tianjin 300192)
Abstract:The distribution of soil salinization was investigated based on GIS and field sampling in Tianjin Binhai New Area.The results showed that soil total salt amount averaged 0.818%,pH averaged 8.43,Cl-and Na+ content was 0.27% and 0.22%,respectively.The soil total salt appeared a strip distribution and increased gradually from the west to the east of Binhai New Area.The statistic analysis calculating soil area of distribution regions based on their different salinity degrees displayed that nonsaline soils were distributed in a small region with 3.18% of total area.The area of moderate saline soils was 107.43 km2,accounting for 6.34% of total soil area.The area of medium saline soils was 173.51 km2,accounting for 10.24% of total soil area.The area of heavily saline soil was 217.36 km2,accounting for 12.82% of total soil area.The area of saline soils(total salt content >0.6%) was 1 142.8 km2,accounted for 67.42% of total area in the terrestrial land of Binhai New Area.Among them,soils with total salt content of 0.6%-1.0%,1.0%-1.5%,>1.5% had an area of 388.47,411.82,342.51 km2,accounting for 22.92%,24.30%,20.21% of total area.
Keywords:GIS  Soil salinization  Soil total salt content  Binhai New Area  Spatial distribution
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