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引用本文:夏桂龙,欧阳建平,柳开楼,李亚贞,周利军,余跑兰,胡惠文. 促芽肥用量和留茬方式对赣东北地区再生稻产量和再生能力的影响[J]. 中国稻米, 2016, 0(2): 27-30. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2016.02.005
作者姓名:夏桂龙  欧阳建平  柳开楼  李亚贞  周利军  余跑兰  胡惠文
作者单位:1. 江西省邓家埠水稻原种场,江西余江,335200;2. 江西省红壤研究所/国家红壤改良工程技术研究中心/农业部江西耕地保育科学观测实验站,南昌,330046
摘    要:赣东北地区光热充足,非常适宜发展再生稻。为明确合理的促芽肥施用时期和留茬高度,本研究于2011年在江西省余江县设置了不同的促芽肥用量(170 N kg/hm2和125 N kg/hm2以及不施肥)、收割方式和留茬高度(留茬高度为60 cm和30 cm),探讨了不同处理对再生稻籽粒产量和产量构成、再生芽萌发能力的影响。结果表明,与不施促芽肥相比,施促芽肥的再生稻产量显著提高,平均增幅为48.9%和36.9%;其再生稻的每丛穗数、每穗粒数也显著提高。与机械收割相比,人工收割处理的产量显著提高,其再生芽萌发率、每丛穗数和每穗粒数比机械收割分别增加7.7%、27.9%和11.6%。在人工收割方式下,留高茬处理的再生稻产量、再生芽萌发率、每丛穗数和每穗粒数均明显高于留低茬处理。这说明,在赣东北地区,要保障再生稻高产,施促芽肥170 N kg/hm2、人工收割、留高茬是较好的再生稻管理模式。

关 键 词:再生稻  促芽肥  人工收割  留茬高度

Effects of Bud Fertilizer and Stubble Types on Grain Yield and Regeneration Capacity of Ratoon Rice in Northeast of Jiangxi Province
Abstract:The northeast of Jiangxi Province is suitable for planting ratoon rice because of sufficient light and heat resources. Filed experiments were carried out to explore the reasonable application period of bud fertilizer, harvesting methods and better height of stubble. The results showed that bud fertilizer could improve grain yield of ratoon rice. Compared with no bud fertilizer treatment, the yields of ratoon rice in 170 kg/hm2 N and 125 kg/hm2 N were increased by 48.9% and 36.9%, and the effective panicles and grains per panicle were also increased. The yield of manual harvesting ratoon rice was higher than mechanical harvesting, and its buds on stubble, the effective panicles and grains per panicle were increased by 7.7%, 27.9% and 11.6%. In manual harvesting, compared with low stubble, higher stubble could improve grain yield, buds on stubble, effective panicles and grains per panicle of ratoon rice. Therefore, the study shows that, 170 kg/hm2 N and the manual harvesting is the better management mode of ratoon rice in the Northeast of Jiangxi Province.
Keywords:ratoon rice  bud fertilizer  manual harvest  stubble height
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