烤烟新品种安烟1号的选育及其特征特性 |
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引用本文: | 周应兵,杨华应,邵伏文,王道支,孙学永,高正良,祖朝龙,李廷春. 烤烟新品种安烟1号的选育及其特征特性[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2014, 0(23): 7792-7796 |
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作者姓名: | 周应兵 杨华应 邵伏文 王道支 孙学永 高正良 祖朝龙 李廷春 |
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作者单位: | 安徽省农业科学院烟草研究所,安徽合肥,230031;安徽省烟草公司烟叶管理处,安徽合肥,230022;安徽省皖南烟叶有限责任公司,安徽宣城,242000 |
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基金项目: | 安徽省烟草专卖局重点项目(ohkj2008-5). |
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摘 要: | [目的]探讨安烟1号高产潜力,为其大面积推广提供科学依据。[方法]介绍安烟1号亲本来源与选育过程、主要特征特性(主要植物学性状和农艺性状、主要经济性状、原烟外观质量、烟叶物理特性、烟叶化学成分、原烟感官质量和抗病性)、栽培技术要点及适宜种植区域。[结果]安烟1号是以优质烤烟品种K394的同型细胞质雄性不育系MSK394为母本、以自育优质抗病烤烟新品系3033为父本配制的杂种一代。多年多点试验结果表明,与对照品种K326相比,该品种具有许多优点。其中,上部烟叶含梗率(27.51%)比K326(33.81%)低6.3个百分点,感官质量优于K326;中部烟叶含梗率(30.55%)比K326(36.52%)低5.97个百分点,感官质量与K326相当;各项经济指标均优于K326;原烟外观质量好,主要化学成份协调;中抗黑胫病、青枯病,中感赤星病、根结线虫病,感PVY、TMV、CMV;适宜在东南烟区种植。[结论]安烟1号综合性状优良,推广应用前景广阔。
关 键 词: | 烤烟新品种 安烟1号 选育 特征特性 |
Breedin2 of New Flue-cured Tobacco Cultivar Anvan No. 1 and Its Characteristics |
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Affiliation: | ZHOU Ying-bing et al (Tobacco Research Institute ; Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heifei, Anhui 230031 ) |
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Abstract: | [ Objective] The aim was to discuss the high yield potential of Anyan No. 1, and provide a scientific basis for its promotion in a large scale. [ Method ] The parents origin and breeding process, the key characteristics (key botanical characters and agronomic traits, key e-conomic traits, raw tobacco appearance quality, tobacco leaf physical properties, tobacco leaf chemical components, raw tobacco sensory qual- ity and resistance to disease), the cultivation technologies points and the suitable planting areas of Anyan No. 1 were introduced. [ Result ] Anyan No. 1 was a kind of tobacco hybrid cultivar, which bred by selecting cytoplasmic male sterile line MSK394 as female parent and newly bred tobacco line 3033 with fine quality and disease resistance as male parent. The results of many years of multi-point tests showed that Anyan No. 1 presented multitude advantages comparing with control cultivar K326. For example, for upper leaf of Anyan No. 1, the stem ratio was 27.51%, which was 6.3% lower than that of K326 (33.81%), and its sensory quality was better than that of K326. For middle leaf of An- yan No. 1, the stem ratio was 30.55%, which was 5.97% lower than that of K326 (36.52%), and its sensory quality was similar with K326. Its economic traits were all superior to that of K326. Its original flue-cured leaf was better and the main chemical composition was coor- dinated. It was moderately resistant to bacterial wilt and black shank, but medium susceptible to brown spot and root knot nematode, and sus- ceptible to PVY, TMV, and CMV. It was suitable for planting in southeast tobacco area. [ Conclusion ] Anyan No. 1 ' s comprehensive traits are good, and has a broad promotion and use prospect. |
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Keywords: | Flue-cured tobacco new cultivar Anyan No. 1 Breeding Characteristics |
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