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引用本文:张雪平,陈建芳,岳振平,靳艳革,顾桂兰. 辣椒新品种濮椒4号的选育[J]. 长江蔬菜, 2014, 0(12): 8-10
作者姓名:张雪平  陈建芳  岳振平  靳艳革  顾桂兰
摘    要:濮椒4号辣椒系以自交系H0616为母本、A-98为父本育成的一代杂种。早熟,始花节位8~10节;生长势强,连续坐果性好;果实粗牛角形,商品果翠绿色,果面光滑顺直且光亮;单果质量80~100 g;每100 g鲜果含VC 66.7 mg,可溶性总糖含量2.28%,蛋白质含量1.28%,辣椒素含量6.96 mg/kg,肉质脆嫩,品质佳,适合鲜食。病毒病、疫病和炭疽病的抗性优于对照湘研13号;露地地膜栽培每667 m2产量3 307 kg左右,适于保护地及早春露地栽培。

关 键 词:辣椒  濮椒号  一代杂种

Breeding of Pujiao No.4, a New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid
ZHANG Xueping,CHEN Jianfang,QIU Zhenping,JIN Yange,GU Guilan. Breeding of Pujiao No.4, a New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid[J]. Journal of Changjiang Vegetables, 2014, 0(12): 8-10
Authors:ZHANG Xueping  CHEN Jianfang  QIU Zhenping  JIN Yange  GU Guilan
Affiliation:( Puyang Academy of Agriculture Science, Henan 457000 )
Abstract:Pujiao No.4 is a new hot pepper F1 hybrid crossed by taking self-line H0616 as female parent and self-line A-98 as male parent. It is early-maturing and grows vigorously, with the first flower setting on 8th-10th node. Its fruit is green, smooth and in horn shape, with the average weight of 80-100 g. Pujiao No.4 possesses good quality, with vitamin C content of 66.7 mg per 100 g fresh fruit, soluble sugar content of 2.28%, protein content of 1.28%, casaicin content of 6.96 mg/kg. It has superior resistance to virus, late blight and anthracnose than the control cultivar Xiangyan No.13. It is suitable for the open filed cultivation in spring and protected cultivation as well, and the yield is 3 307 kg/667 m2 in open filed cultivation.
Keywords:Hot pepper  Pujiao No.4  F1 hybrid
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