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引用本文:刘新宇,巨晓棠,张丽娟,李鑫,袁丽金,刘楠. 不同施氮水平对冬小麦季化肥氮去向及土壤氮素平衡的影响[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2010, 16(2): 296-303. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2010.0206
作者姓名:刘新宇  巨晓棠  张丽娟  李鑫  袁丽金  刘楠
作者单位:1.河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院,河北保定 071000;
摘    要:
采用田间微区15N示踪技术,研究了冬小麦季化肥氮去向及土壤氮素平衡。结果表明,在供试土壤肥力水平和生产条件下,N 150 kg/hm2的施肥量已达到较高产量,再增加氮肥用量小麦产量不再增加。随着施肥量的增加,地上部吸氮量有所增加,氮肥的表观利用率和农学利用率持续下降,而生理利用率则表现为低—高—低的变化趋势。在低施氮条件下,小麦主要吸收土壤氮的比例高于化肥氮;在高施氮条件下,小麦吸收土壤氮的比例下降。冬小麦收获后,仍有26.7%4~0.6%的氮肥残留在0—100 cm土层中,17.4%2~4.8%的氮肥损失。残留在土壤剖面中的氮肥主要分布在表土层。随着施氮量的增加,土壤氮素总平衡由亏缺转为盈余;土壤根区硝态氮也由播前消耗转为在播前的基础上累加,两个小麦品种表现为相同的趋势。

关 键 词:冬小麦   氮去向   氮素平衡   15N

Effects of different N rates on fate of N fertilizer and balance of soil N of winter wheat
LIU Xin-yu,JU Xiao-tang,ZHANG Li-juan,LI Xin,YUAN Li-jin,LIU Nan. Effects of different N rates on fate of N fertilizer and balance of soil N of winter wheat[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2010, 16(2): 296-303. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2010.0206
Authors:LIU Xin-yu  JU Xiao-tang  ZHANG Li-juan  LI Xin  YUAN Li-jin  LIU Nan
Affiliation:1.College of Resources and Environment Sciences,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071000,China;
The fate of N fertilizer and balance of soil N under winter wheat farming were studied using filed15N micro-plot.The results show that crop yield would not increase when the nitrogen application rate is above N 150 kg/ha.Apparent recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer are constantly decreased with increasing of rate of nitrogen fertilizer,while the trend of physiological efficiency is low-high-low.At lower N rate,more soil N is absorbed by winter wheat than that from fertilizer ...
Keywords:winter wheat  fate of N  balance of N  15N
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