腾冲县天然林景观格局特征分析 |
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引用本文: | 舒相才,王天灿,黄维金,等. 腾冲县天然林景观格局特征分析[J]. 林业调查规划, 2014, 0(1): 29-38 |
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作者姓名: | 舒相才 王天灿 黄维金 等 |
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作者单位: | [1]腾冲县林业局,云南腾冲679100 [2]高黎贡山国家级自然保护区保山管理局腾冲分局,云南腾冲679100 |
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摘 要: | ![]() 基于森林资源规划设计调查资料,利用ArcMap 10、Fragstats 4.1、DPS 14.1、Excel等软件,选取常用的景观指数,分析云南省腾冲县天然林的景观格局特征,结果表明:①腾冲县天然林景观总体异质性高、形状复杂、聚集程度高、斑块分布比较均衡,景观格局特征比较复杂;②各森林类型面积比例从大到小依次为栎类林其它阔叶林云南松林针阔混交林旱冬瓜林硬阔林竹林冷杉林软阔林华山松林铁杉林,栎类林、其它阔叶林面积占61.51%,是腾冲县天然林景观的主要组成部分,云南松林、针阔混交林、旱冬瓜林面积占32.04%,是腾冲县天然林景观的重要组成部分,硬阔林、竹林、冷杉林、软阔林、华山松林、铁杉林面积仅占6.45%,面积虽小,但在天然林景观中具有特殊的作用;③因子分析结果,从稳定、复杂、异质性高、破碎化低、抗干扰能力强等方面综合评价,按得分从高到低依次是栎类林其它阔叶林云南松林硬阔林针阔混交林旱冬瓜林竹林冷杉林铁杉林华山松林软阔林;④聚类分析结果,可把腾冲县天然林分为4类,第一类是破碎度低、形状复杂、异质性高、抗干扰能力强的栎类林和其它阔叶林,第二类是破碎度高但形状复杂、异质性高、抗干扰能力强的云南松林、针阔混交林和旱冬瓜林,第三类是斑块间平均距离远、聚合度高、呈群团状分布的硬阔林、竹林、铁杉林和冷杉林,第四类是破碎度高、形状简单、异质性低、抗干扰能力弱的华山松林和软阔林;⑤聚类分析结果在因子分析的基础上,体现了硬阔林平均几何最邻近距离远的特征,对腾冲县天然林景观格局的评价效果比因子分析更好。
关 键 词: | 天然林 景观格局 因子分析 聚类分析 |
Natural Forest Landscape Pattern Characteristics of Tengchong County |
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Affiliation: | SHU Xiang-cai,WANG Tian-can,HUANG Wei-jin,Gong Chen-chao (1. Forestry Bureau of Tengchong County, Tengchong, Yunnan 679100, China; 2. Tengchong Branch, Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau of Baoshan, Tengchong, Yunnan 679100, China) |
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Abstract: | ![]() Based on the survey of forest resources planning and design , use ArcMap 10, Fragstats 4.1, DPS 14.1, Excelland other software , select commonly used landscape indices , landscape pattern features of natural forest was analyzed , the results showed that:①Landscape pattern characteristics of natural for-est in Tengchong County was more complicated with high heterogeneity , complex shape , high degree of aggregation , a more balanced distribution of plaque;②Area ratio of each forest type was in descending order of oak forest〉Other broadleaf forest〉Yunnan pine〉conifer〉Alnus forest〉hardwood forest〉Bamboo〉fir forest〉soft broadleaf forest 〉Huashan pine〉hemlock , forest area of oak forest and other broad-leaved accounted for 61.51%, was the main component of natural landscapes;forest area of Yun-nan pine , mixed conifer and Alnus accounted for 32.04%, was an important part of natural landscape;forest area of hardwood forest , bamboo forest, fir forest, softwood forest, Huashan pine, hemlock accoun-ted for only 6.45%, the area was mall , but played a special role in the natural landscape;③Factor a-nalysis results showed that comprehensive evaluation from the aspects of stability , complexity , high heter-ogeneity , low fragmentation , strong anti-interference ability and others , scores from high to low followed by oak forest 〉broadleaf forest 〉Yunnan pine 〉hardwood forest 〉mixed conifer 〉Alnus forest 〉Bamboo〉fir forest〉hemlock〉Huashan pine〉softwood forest;④Cluster analysis results showed that the natural forests could be divided into four categories , the first category was oak forest and other broad-leaved forest with a low degree of fragmentation , complex shape , high heterogeneity , strong anti-interfer-ence ability;the second category was Yunnan pine , mixed conifer and Alnus forest with high heterogene-ous, broken and complex shape , high anti-interference ability; the third category is hardwood forest , bamboo , hemlock and fir forests with the average distance between patches , high degree of polymeriza-tion, mass distribution;the fourth category was softwood forest and Huashan pine forest with high frag-mentation , simple shapes , low heterogeneity , weak anti-interference ability;⑤On the basis of factor a-nalysis , cluster analysis , reflects the characteristics of geometric mean nearest neighbor distance for hard-wood forest.Evaluation effectiveness of cluster analysis for Tengchong natural forest landscape pattern was better than those of factor analysis. |
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Keywords: | natural forest landscape pattern factor analysis cluster analysis |
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