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Acidification trends in Sweden
Authors:P. Sandén  A. Grimvall  U. Lohm
Affiliation:1. Department of Water in Environment and Society, Link?ping University, S-581 83, Linkoping, Sweden
Abstract:A Swedish hydrochemical monitoring program, which was started during the International Hydrological Decade (1965–1975), has been evaluated with respect to trends and regional differences in acidic deposition and stream water quality. Despite the more than twofold decrease in S emissions in Sweden since the early 1970's, there was only a marginal decrease in sulphate level in precipitation, indicating that long-range transport dominates precipitation chemistry. Trend analyses of stream water data gave practically no evidence that surface water quality had been changing since the late 1960's, i.e., no time lagged or accumulating effects of acidic deposition during past decades could be demonstrated. The difference between the wet deposition of S in southern and northern parts of Sweden was found to be smaller than previously reported. In the northern catchment areas, the input of S was considerably larger than the output. The statistical uncertainty of the trend estimates raises questions about the effectivity of present hydrochemical monitoring programs in detecting environmental changes.
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