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引用本文:李季航,向珣朝,何立斌,张楷正,李平. 含玉米pepc基因恢复系的MAS转育及其杂交稻的光合特性和杂种优势研究[J]. 作物学报, 2006, 32(12): 1779-1787
作者姓名:李季航  向珣朝  何立斌  张楷正  李平
作者单位:1.四川农业大学水稻研究所, 四川温江611130;2.西南作物基因资源与遗传改良教育部重点实验室/四川农业大学, 四川雅安;3.四川省农业技术推广总站, 四川成都610041;4.西南科技大学, 四川绵阳621000
摘    要:用玉米pepc基因的特异性引物对转育pepc基因的后代材料进行分子标记辅助选育(MAS),成功地培育出与轮回亲本蜀恢881遗传相似度达97.09%~99.03%的改良蜀恢881,用此改良恢复系与3个不育系冈46A、776A、2480A形成组合。结果表明,(1)自行设计的pepc基因特异性引物能对基因进行准确的筛选,而且玉

关 键 词:MAS  杂交稻  玉米pepc基因  光合特性  高光效育种  

Photosynthetic Characteristics and Heterosis in Transgenic Hybrid Rice with Maize Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (pepc) Gene by MAS
LI Ji-Hang,XIANG Xun-Chao,HE Li-Bin,ZHANG Kai-Zheng,LI Ping. Photosynthetic Characteristics and Heterosis in Transgenic Hybrid Rice with Maize Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (pepc) Gene by MAS[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2006, 32(12): 1779-1787
Authors:LI Ji-Hang  XIANG Xun-Chao  HE Li-Bin  ZHANG Kai-Zheng  LI Ping
Affiliation:1.Rice Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Wenjiang 611130, Sichuan;2 Key Laboratory of Southwest Crop Genetic Resource and Improvement (Sichuan Agricultural University), Ministry of Education, Ya’an 625014, Sichuan;3.General Station for extending Agriculture Technology in Sichuan, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan;4 Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan, China
Abstract:Posterity materials carrying maize pepc gene has been successfully applied into marker-assisted selection(MAS)by using specific primer of maize pepc gene,and the improved Shuhui 881 with pepc gene has been obtained.The improved Shuhui 881 was similar to its backcross parents in genetic background with 97.09%-99.03%.Then rice sterile lines Gang 46A,776A,2480A as the female parents were crossed with several improved Shuhui 881 above.Some progress on photosynthetic characteristics and agronomic traits in hybrid rices with pepc gene were achieved.Firstly,Maize pepc gene not only could been correctly screened by MAS using specific primer designed by BLAST,but also was stably inherited and had PEPCase activity highly expressed in different genetic backgrounds.Secondly,PEPCase activity increased significantly as compared with respective controls and there was a significant correlation(0.6081)between PEPCase activity and Pn in hybrid rice with pepc gene.Thirdly,the photosynthetic indexes of transgenic hybrid rice such as apparent quantum yield(AQY),carboxylation efficiency(CE),were obviously superior to respective controls.Moreover,the performances in agronomic traits varied among hybrid rice with pepc gene except in 103-grain weight and grain yield per plant.Transgenic hybrid rice increased by average of 41.48% in grain yield per plant as compared with controls.And finally,according to the effect analysis of general combining ability(GCA),the 776A,Line 1 and Line 6 had outstanding performances,which was worth of further study in the future.
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