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Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis II. Antibodies in lacrimal secretions of cattle naturally or experimentally infected with Moraxella bovis.
Authors:P S Nayar and J R Saunders
Abstract:One or both eyes of 20 calves were inoculated one or more time with variou(s combinations of microorganism (live oor killed Moraxella bovis, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, bovine adenovirus, bovine parainfluenza-3 virus and Mycoplasma bovoculi) by conjunctival instillation or direct inoculation of the conjunctivea or cornea. The eyes of all the calves received natural or artificial ultraviolet irradiation. Neither the adenovirus nor parainfluenza-3 virus became established in the eye or produced keratoconjunctivitis. Both M. bovis and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus became established in the bovine eye and produced disease. Subconjunctival or intracorneal inoculation of M. bovis caused a severe disease, simulating natural infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis. Only the intracorneal inoculation of mycoplasma produced severe keratoconjunctivits. Eyes that on initial exposure to M. bovis became severly inflamed were more resistant to a second or third exposure to M. bovis, presumably by enhanced local defence mechanisms.
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