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引用本文:郑丽凤,周新年,罗积长,吴美玲,陈贞兰. 择伐强度对天然针阔混交林更新格局的影响[J]. 福建林学院学报, 2008, 28(4)
作者姓名:郑丽凤  周新年  罗积长  吴美玲  陈贞兰
作者单位:1. 福建农林大学交通学院,福建,福州,350002
2. 建瓯市林业局,福建,建瓯,353100
摘    要:以闽北天然针阔混交林为研究对象,分别进行不同强度择伐(弱度13.0%、中度29.1%、强度45.8%、极强度67.1%)作业试验,并应用聚集度指标测度方法分析5个主要种群择伐10 a后更新格局。结果表明:在择伐经营的前提下,天然更新良好,且随着择伐强度的增大,林分更新密度增大;不同择伐强度对主要种群更新格局的类型没有影响,5种主要种群更新格局均为聚集分布,但择伐强度不同,各种群集聚程度和平均拥挤度都呈不同的变化趋势。研究结果有助于探讨天然更新理论,为天然针阔混交林的科学经营和森林生态系统的恢复提供参考。

关 键 词:择伐强度  天然针阔混交林  天然更新  空间格局  集聚强度

Effects of selective intensity on regeneration pattern of natural mixed stand of conifer and broad-leaved trees
ZHENG Li-feng,ZHOU Xin-nian,LUO Ji-zhang,WU Mei-ling,CHEN Zhen-lan. Effects of selective intensity on regeneration pattern of natural mixed stand of conifer and broad-leaved trees[J]. Journal of Fujian College of Forestry, 2008, 28(4)
Authors:ZHENG Li-feng  ZHOU Xin-nian  LUO Ji-zhang  WU Mei-ling  CHEN Zhen-lan
Abstract:Using aggregation index method,the effects of selective cutting of different intensity(low intensity,13.0%;middle intensity,29.1%;high intensity,45.8%;over-high intensity,67.1%) on the regeneration pattern of natural mixed stand of conifer and broad-leaved trees of northern Fujian were surveyed and analyzed.The results show that natural regeneration have a good state under selective cutting operation,and with the increasing intensity of selective,increased regeneration density.All the distribution patterns in the five dominant populations were clumped pattern regardless of selective intensity,but the assemble intensity and mean crowding index various trends.The results would do help to discuss the natural reproduction and provide a guide for natural forest management.
Keywords:selective intensity  conifer and broad-leaved natural mixed stand  natural reproduction  distribution pattern  nggregation index
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