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Scanning electron microscopic studies of the kidney glomerulus of Pudu pudu (Molina, 1782), and a comparison with that of cattle, goats, sheep and angora rabbits
Authors:H E K?nig  W Schweitzer
Affiliation:Departamento Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad de Concepción, FACAF Chillán, Chile.
Abstract:The kidney's microvascularization of the Pudu pudu is mostly similar to that of domestic animals. The renal parenchymatous arteries do not give off capsular branches. The majority of the Pudu pudu's glomerula shows spherical shape. Glomerula next to the medulla have a diameter which is an average of 25 microns larger than the diameter of those situated more peripherally. Their volume is comparable to that of the angora rabbit. The capillaries form anastomosis in the inner and outer part of the glomerulus.
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