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Gross anatomy of the accessory nerve and vagus nerve ofthe head and cranial neck region in the Bactrian camel
Authors:Cui-Sheng  Xie Zheng-Ming
Affiliation:aCollege of Biological Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100094, P.R. China;*Department of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, 730070, P.R. China
Abstract:Seven heads and necks of Bactrian camels were dissected to investigate the origin, course, branches anddistribution of the accessory nerve and vagus nerve in the cranial cervical region. The spinal root and external branch of the accessory nerve were not present, but there was a delicate communicating branch between the dorsal root of the first cervical nerve and the root of the vagus nerve. The sternocephalic muscle was innervated by the second cervical nerve while the brachiocephalic and trapezius muscles were supplied by the sixth and seventh cervical nerves. In the head and cranial cervical region of the Bactrian camel the vagus nerve gave oft the auricular branch, pharyngeal branch, cranial laryngeal nerve, a common trunk to the larynx, oesophagus and trachea, and some communicating branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, hypoglossal, first cervical nerves and the cranial cervical ganglion.
Keywords:Gross anatomy   Bactrian camel   accessory nerve   vagus nerve   cervical nerve
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