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Early development of the shortfin silverside Chirostoma humboldtianum (Valenciennes, 1835) (Atheriniformes: Atherinopsidae)
Authors:Ma. Cecilia Herná  ndez-Rubio,Gerardo Figueroa-Lucero,José   Luis Arredondo-Figueroa
Affiliation:a Laboratorio de Hidrobiología Experimental, Departamento de Zoología, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Prolongación de Carpio y Plan de Ayala, Santo Tomás, México, D. F., C. P. 11340, México
b Planta Experimental de Producción Acuícola, Departamento de Hidrobiología, División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186, Colonia Vicentina, México, D. F., C. P. 09340, México
c Estrategias Biológicas para el aprovechamiento de los Recursos Naturales Acuáticos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Calz. Del Hueso 1000, Colonia Villa Quietud, México, D. F., C. P. 04960, México
The shortfin silverside Chirostoma humboldtianum has been considered for culture in Mexico, but success has been limited by a poor knowledge of its early development. First synthesis of the early development of the shortfin silverside is presented to determine conditions suitable for rearing. Brooder maturation was induced through photothermal cycles. C. humboldtianum ova were fertilized in vitro. The eggs were incubated in reconstituted water (160-180 mg/L CaCO3) at 18 °C and 5 gm of NaCl per litre. During the hatching day, 300 shortfin silversides were stocked and followed up until metamorphosis in order to establish the timing of exogenous feeding, changes in food type, growth and development during critical periods for survival, according to the theory of saltatory ontogeny. Free embryos hatched 12 days after fertilization at 18 °C. First critical point for survival is the beginning of exogenous feeding. Free embryos started mixed feeding on day four of post-hatching (dph), point of no-return was presented towards the end of mixed feeding on 6 dph, larval period began at six (dph) when the anus is opened, and metamorphosis to juvenile was presented at 65 dph with a SL of 19.34 ± 2.28 mm, when scales and fins were well developed. Differences in growth between periods were detected: free embryos growth slower than larvae but mouth size depicted a larger growth rate in the former. Cephalic length and mouth size were negatively related to standard length in embryos and larvae. Mouth size was positively related to cephalic length in free embryos but negative in larvae. Results suggest that during the free embryo phase, growth priorities are directed to the development of apparatuses and systems; whereas, during the larval period, energy is directed to growth in length, mouth size and development of fins, which allows them to increase their swimming velocity, grants them a greater capacity to obtain exogenous food and, in consequence, increases fitness for survival.
Keywords:Chirostoma humboldtianum   Early development   Growth   Embryo   Larva   Feeding
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