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引用本文:丛斌 杨怀文. 昆虫病原线虫研究和利用的历史,现状与展望[J]. 沈阳农业大学学报, 1999, 30(3): 343-353
作者姓名:丛斌 杨怀文
摘    要:本文综述了国内外研究与利用昆虫病原线虫的历史与现状,介绍了国内外应用昆虫病原线虫防治农林害虫的概况;并阐述昆虫病原线虫分类、生活史及类型,以及与共生细菌的互利共生、杀死寄主昆虫机制,阐述了共生细菌的分类、菌型、病原作用、抗菌作用及其与线虫的共生专化性;介绍了昆虫病原线虫活体培养与离体培养的方法和最新进展,讨论了影响昆虫病原线虫利用的一些因素诸如温湿度、辐射、寄主免疫反应,天敌的影响等;最后就存在的问题和应用前景作了述评,认为昆虫病原线虫在未来害虫治理和植物保护的持续发展中将发挥重大作用。

关 键 词:昆虫病原线虫  共生细菌  害虫生物防治  天敌大量繁殖

Advances on the Research and Application of Entomopothogenic Nematode
CONG Bin, LIU Wei-zhi,et al.. Advances on the Research and Application of Entomopothogenic Nematode[J]. Journal of Shenyang Aricultural University, 1999, 30(3): 343-353
Authors:CONG Bin   LIU Wei-zhi  et al.
Abstract:Entomepathogenic nematode (EPN), one kind of natural enemy of pest insect, possesses substantial application potential to be an ilmprtant biological control agent. The current status of research and application ofEPN was smrital in this paper.The taxonothees, life cycle, ~elation between EPN and symbiotic bacteria, mechanism of insect-killing, and the taxonomies, pathogenity, pad variation of the symbiotic bacteria, as well as therelationship between antibiosis and phase variation of the symbiotic boeria were reviews in detail. Culture method,both in fido and in vitro were introded and the advance in mass prodwtion, Storage and transPOrtation of EPNwere rePOrted. The faCtors affeCting the application efficacy of EPN in field, including tempetalare, humidity, radiation, host itnmunity and natural enemies of EPN were discussed and the problems and Persopive of EPN'ssearch and application were presented. conclusion was drawn finally that EPN could play an increasing role in theprospective pod menagement and stuinable development.
Keywords:Entomepathogenic nemetode  biological control  syrnbiotic boeria  mass production of namral enemies  
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