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引用本文:熊件妹,黄和平,雷小吉,林汝辉,万坤国. 阿维菌素,吡虫啉及其混剂对菜蚜的毒力测定和田间药效试验[J]. 江西植保, 2001, 24(4): 109-112
作者姓名:熊件妹  黄和平  雷小吉  林汝辉  万坤国
作者单位:1. 江西农业大学农学院,南昌,330045
2. 江西省宜春市袁州区农业局植保站,336000
摘    要:采用浸渍法测定阿维菌素,吡虫啉及其混剂对菜蚜的毒力,阿维菌素与吡虫啉混配,各个配比均有增效作用,其中以LC50剂量1∶8的配比增效作用最大,毒性比率和共毒系数分别为1.82和194.20。阿维菌素与吡虫啉的混剂对菜蚜有较好的防治效果,室内结果在田间试验中得到验证。

关 键 词:阿维菌菌 吡虫啉 菜蚜 毒力测定 防治效果 田间药效试验

The Toxicological Test and Field Effect of Abamectin, Imidacloprid and Their Mixtures against Vegetable Aphid
Xiong Jianmei Huang Heping Lei Xiaoji Lin Ruhui Wan Kunguo. The Toxicological Test and Field Effect of Abamectin, Imidacloprid and Their Mixtures against Vegetable Aphid[J]. Jiangxi Plant Protection, 2001, 24(4): 109-112
Authors:Xiong Jianmei Huang Heping Lei Xiaoji Lin Ruhui Wan Kunguo
Affiliation:Xiong Jianmei 1 Huang Heping 2 Lei Xiaoji 2 Lin Ruhui 2 Wan Kunguo 2
Abstract:The test to determine the toxicological effect of abamectin, imidacloprid and their mixtures on vegetable aphid was performed using immersion method All mix-proportions at the dosage of LC50 had remarkable synergetic effect and 1:8 was the most remarkable Its index of relative toxicity and co-toxicity coefficient were 1 82 and 194 20 respectively The the mixture gave better control effect against vegetable aphid The results gotten indoors have been tested in the field
Keywords:abamectin  imidacloprid  vegetable aphid  toxicological test  control effect  
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