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引用本文:任 民, 张兴伟, 张久权, 王志德, 刘艳华, 牟建民. 中国烟草种质资源网络信息系统的开发[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010, 26(3): 209-215.
作者姓名:任 民  张兴伟  张久权  王志德  刘艳华  牟建民
基金项目:国家烟草专卖局专项“中国烟草种质资源平台建设”(国烟办综 [2005] 501号)
摘    要:
为促进中国烟草种质资源的共享与应用,研究开发了基于B/S(browser/server)架构和ASP.NET技术的中国烟草种质资源网络信息系统。数据库采用了Microsoft SQL Server,服务器端程序集应用C#语言开发,浏览器端基于XHTML + JavaScript。系统在特性数据库和共性数据库两个底层数据库的基础上,实现了种质数据查询、核心种质查询、种质图像查询、共性数据查询和烟草种质共享等5种功能。该系统突破了长期以来种质资源信息、数据、实物集中于一处,难以共享的局面,促进了种质资源的广泛应用和深入发展。

关 键 词:  互联网  信息系统  种质资源  浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式

Development of web-based Chinese tobacco germplasm resources information system
Development of web-based Chinese tobacco germplasm resources information system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2010, 26(3): 209-215.
Authors:Ren Min  Zhang Xingwei  Zhang Jiuquan  Wang Zhide  Liu Yanhua  Mu Jianmin
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Tobacco Quality Control/a>;Ministry of Agriculture/a>;Tobacco Research Institute/a>;Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/a>;Qingdao 266101/a>;China
For promoting the application and sharing of tobacco germplasm resources in China, a web-based Chinese tobacco germplasm resources information system (CTGRIS) was developed by using B/S (browser/server) architecture and ASP.NET technology. Microsoft SQL Server was used as database management system. Server-side assemblies were programmed by C#, and client-side (web page) was implemented by using XHTML with JavaScript. Based on two backend databases (characteristic database and common database), this system can provide five kinds of information services, including germplasm resources query, core collection query, tobacco image query, common data query and germplasm resources sharing. The CTGRIS is a powerful tool for tobacco scientific research, which will facilitate the information and germplasm resources sharing and exchange.
Keywords:tobacco   internet   information systems   germplasm resources   B/S (browser/server) model
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