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引用本文:郑勇奇,张川红,郑洪涛,郑志华,李伯菁. 英、拉、汉树木名称电子词典TreeName的研制[J]. 林业科学研究, 2004, 17(2): 231-236
作者姓名:郑勇奇  张川红  郑洪涛  郑志华  李伯菁
摘    要:英、拉、汉树木名称电子词典第1版(TreeName 1.0)具有树种的英文、拉丁文和中文名称的相互翻译查询功能。软件包含了1.5万余条英、拉、中树木名称词条,能够进行快速有效的检索查询,为工作提供极大的帮助。整个软件采用基于对话框模式的查询界面和基于文件系统的数据库作为整个查询系统的框架。本系统在设计中采用了比较灵活的功能模块设计,利于软件的更新。与印刷版的各种词典相比,电子词典系统具有无法比拟的优点,它能够及时进行修改、补充,使系统不断得到完善,及时根据用户的反馈信息进行改进,有利于软件质量的提高和功能的完善。

关 键 词:树木名称  电子词典  查询  数据库

Development of an Electronic Dictionary of English, Latin and Chinese Names of Tree Species
ZHENG Yong-qi,ZHANG Chuan-hong,ZHENG Hong-tao,ZHENG Zhi-hua and LI Bo-jing. Development of an Electronic Dictionary of English, Latin and Chinese Names of Tree Species[J]. Forest Research, 2004, 17(2): 231-236
Authors:ZHENG Yong-qi  ZHANG Chuan-hong  ZHENG Hong-tao  ZHENG Zhi-hua  LI Bo-jing
Affiliation:Research Institute of Forestry, CAF, Beijing100091;Research Institute of Forestry, CAF, Beijing100091;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Austronautics, Beijing100082;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Austronautics, Beijing100082;Research Institute of Forestry, CAF, Beijing100091
Abstract:An electronic dictionary of English, Latin and Chinese names of tree species (TreeName 1.0) was developed, providing searches for names of tree species, genus and family in any of the three languages. The electronic dictionary contains thousands of names of tree species and brief species descriptions, providing a rapid, accurate and efficient powerful tool as a dictionary for those working with forestry and plant sciences. The software was developed in Visual C , using dialogue boxes as the search interface and file system based databases as the framework of the software. Flexible function modules were used in the design. In addition to its strong capacity of providing searches, the software was also designed to allow users to create or update their own customizable database of names of tree species. The software can be extended to cover names of plants, animals, birds, insects and any other biological organisms. The software provides incomparable advantages over the traditional printed dictionary.
Keywords:tree species names  electronic dictionary  search  database  
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