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引用本文:张云彬,蒋五一,曹中良,程明,盛珊. 基于空间特征的现代农业科技园区控制性详细规划方法研究[J]. 安徽农业大学学报, 2010, 37(4)
作者姓名:张云彬  蒋五一  曹中良  程明  盛珊
摘    要:分析我国现代农业科技园区规划的现状与问题,从基本职能的角度提出农业科技园区的空间结构布局可以分为3个层次:即核心区、示范区和辐射区.将城市控制性详细规划理念导入现代农业园区规划中,提出现代农业园区控制性详细规划的控制重点,分别为建设用地控制指标(包括规定性指标和指导性指标)和农业用地控制指标(包括规定性指标、引导性指标和预期性指标),并给出相应的图则示意.最后将上述规划方法应用于新疆昌吉国家农业科技园区现代农业示范区的规划实践.

关 键 词:农业科技园区  控制性详细规划  空间特征  规划图则

The method of regulatory detailed planning of modem agriculture technology park based on spatial characteristic research
ZHANG Yun-bin,JIANG Wu-yi,CAO Zhong-liang,CHENG Ming,SHENG Shan. The method of regulatory detailed planning of modem agriculture technology park based on spatial characteristic research[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural University, 2010, 37(4)
Authors:ZHANG Yun-bin  JIANG Wu-yi  CAO Zhong-liang  CHENG Ming  SHENG Shan
Affiliation:ZHANG Yun-bin1,JIANG Wu-yi2,CAO Zhong-liang2,CHENG Ming2,SHENG Shan2(1.School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,2.Shanghai Branch of Hualan Design Group,Shanghai 200437)
Abstract:The situation and disfigurement of Chinese modern agriculture technology park plan is put forward.Based on the basic function in the agriculture technology park,spatial structure layout is divided into three levels: the core district,the model district and the radiant district.The regulatory detailed planning idea is introduced into the modern agriculture park plan,and the basic control factors are proposed.The control indexes of constructional land are divided to two kinds: compulsory index and guiding ind...
Keywords:agriculture technology park  regulatory detailed planning  spatial characteristic  plan drawing indication  
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