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引用本文:马桂琴. 基于博客的网络信息检索教学研究与实践[J]. 农业网络信息, 2011, 0(8)
摘    要:网络信息检索课程不但要求其教学内容要从网络检索工具入手,为了适应教学内容,其教学环境以及教学手段也要同步改进,以利于教学的进行。为充分展示对于网络信息检索课程改革的研究成果,从课程设计以及基于Blog平台的教学优劣势进行了分析研究。

关 键 词:博客  网络信息检索  教学研究

Teaching Research and Practice about Web Information Retrieval Based on the Blog
Abstract:Internet information retrieval programs requires the content of their teaching starting from the network search tools,and in order to adapt to the teaching content,teaching method and learning environment should be improved.In order to fully demonstrate the curriculum reform achievements for network information retrieval research,the curriculum design and the advantages and disadvantages based on Blog were analyzed.
Keywords:blog  network information retrieval  teaching study
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