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引用本文:郑少文,邢国明,聂红玫,温变英. 有机肥施肥量及施肥方式对菜豆生长和产量的影响[J]. 河北农业科学, 2010, 14(10): 59-61
作者姓名:郑少文  邢国明  聂红玫  温变英
摘    要:在干旱、半干旱地区,研究了不同施肥方式(撒施和沟施)和施肥量(45 m3/hm2、75 m3/hm2和105 m3/hm2)对菜豆生长及产量的影响。结果表明:有机肥不同施肥方式及施肥量对菜豆生长势、产量和功能叶光合速率均有影响。高肥水平处理下,菜豆生长势旺盛,光合速率高,产量高;相同施肥量条件下,沟施处理的菜豆生长势较撒施处理旺盛,并且光合速率和产量高。本试验条件下,沟施有机肥105 m3/hm2处理产量最高(36 315 kg/hm2),是撒施有机肥45 m3/hm2处理产量(26 400 kg/hm2)的1.38倍。

关 键 词:菜豆  有机肥  施肥量  施肥方式  生长指标  产量

Effects of Application Amount and Fertilization Patterns of Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Kidney Bean
ZHENG Shao-wen,XING Guo-ming,NIE Hong-mei,WEN Bian-ying. Effects of Application Amount and Fertilization Patterns of Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Kidney Bean[J]. Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences, 2010, 14(10): 59-61
Authors:ZHENG Shao-wen  XING Guo-ming  NIE Hong-mei  WEN Bian-ying
Affiliation:1.College of Horticulture,Shanxi Agriculture University,Taigu 030801,China;2.Vegetables Office of Yangqu County,Yangqu 030100,China)
Abstract:The effects of fertilization patterns and application amount of organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of kidney bean were studied in arid and semi-arid areas.The results showed that the fertilization patterns and application amount had influence on the growth,yield and photosynthetic rate of functional leaves.The kidney bean grew better with high photosynthetic rate and high yield,when the application amount was high.Under the same application amount,the kidney bean grew better,the photosynthetic rate and yield was higher with ditch fertilizing than broadcast fertilizing.The yield was 36 315 kg/hm2 with ditch fertilizing(105 m3/hm2),which was 1.38 times than broadcast fertilizing(45 m3/hm2).
Keywords:Kidney bean  Organic fertilizer  Application amount  Fertilization patterns  Growth index  Yield
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