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番茄的结构-功能模型 Ⅰ:基于有限态自动机的3D形态构建
引用本文:董乔雪,王一鸣,Jean Francois BARCZI. 番茄的结构-功能模型 Ⅰ:基于有限态自动机的3D形态构建[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2006, 14(4): 195-199
作者姓名:董乔雪  王一鸣  Jean Francois BARCZI
作者单位:1. 中国农业大学(东校区)信息与电气工程学院,北京,100083
2. 中国科学院自动化研究所中法联合实验室 LIAMA 北京 100080
摘    要:根据番茄的形态结构特点及其演变规则,应用有限态自动机的数学理论,研究建立了番茄动态发展的随机结构模型。该模型建立在对番茄结构的宏观抽象和生理年龄(PHYAGE)与生长年龄(GA)这两个最重要的基本概念之上,利用“事件驱动”的状态转移机制模拟了番茄生长过程、分枝过程和死亡过程,其中利用了二项随机分布模拟番茄的动态生长,离散的Markov链用于模拟番茄的分枝模式。番茄的有限态自动机模型完成了对主茎上节间长度、果实个数以及叶子结构的随机模拟。并利用试验统计分析获得的参数结果,模拟出番茄在不同生长阶段的3D结构。该动态的番茄结构模型,为与生理生态模型进行接口建立互影响、互反馈的结构-功能模型打下了基础。

关 键 词:番茄  结构模型  有限态自动机  随机分布

Tomato structural-functional model Ⅰ :A 3D architectural modeling based on finite state automation
DONG Qiao-Xue,WANG Yi-Ming and Jean Francois BARCZI. Tomato structural-functional model Ⅰ :A 3D architectural modeling based on finite state automation[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2006, 14(4): 195-199
Authors:DONG Qiao-Xue  WANG Yi-Ming  Jean Francois BARCZI
Affiliation:College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;2LIAMA, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Abstract:According to tomato's structural characteristics and its developmental rules of morphology,a dynamic and stochastic architectural model was set up by applying the theory of finite state automation.By the investigation on the real plant,four macro-levels were abstracted to describe the architecture of tomato,and two fundamental concepts,namely physiological age(PHYAGE)and growing age(GA),were proposed to simulate its growth,branching and death process.Binomial law was used to model the stochastic number of nodes on some growth axis.Markov process was explored to simulate its ramification pattern.With the parameters got from the experimental data,the architectures of tomato at different stages were reproduced.This dynamic model will provide a basis to interface with function-oriented model in order to set up an interactive structural-functional tomato model for the further study.
Keywords:Tomato  Architectural model  Finite state automation  Stochastic distribution
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