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Evaluation of carbon dioxide laser and conventional incisional techniques for resection of soft palates in brachycephalic dogs
Authors:Davidson E B  Davis M S  Campbell G A  Williamson K K  Payton M E  Healey T S  Bartels K E
Affiliation:Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 74078, USA.
Abstract:OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical outcome, healing, and effect of tracheostomy in conventional incisional and carbon dioxide (CO2) laser techniques for resection of soft palates in brachycephalic dogs. DESIGN: Prospective randomized trial. ANIMALS: 20 adult brachycephalic dogs. METHODS: Dogs were randomly allocated into 4 groups, and 1 of the following was performed: palate resection by use of a CO2 laser; incisional palate resection and closure with suture; and palate resection by use of a C02 laser or incision with tracheostomy. A clinical score for respiratory function was assigned to each dog at 0, 2, 8, 16, and 24 hours. Biopsy specimens of incision sites obtained at days 0, 3, 7, and 14 were examined. Data were analyzed to determine the effects of technique on clinical and histologic outcome. RESULTS: Mean surgical time for laser (309 seconds) was significantly shorter than for sharp dissection (744 seconds). Surgical technique significantly affected clinical scores at 3 of the 5 postoperative time points, but differences were not clinically apparent. Tracheostomy significantly affected clinical scores at 3 of 5 postoperative time points. After tracheostomy tube removal, clinical scores were similar to those of dogs without tracheostomies. Inflammation, necrosis, and ulceration were evident in all groups at day 3; these lesions had almost resolved by day 14. Most complications were associated with tracheostomy. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Clinical outcomes appear to be similar with the laser and incisional techniques. Regarding surgical time and ease, laser resection of the soft palate appears advantageous. Tracheostomy is not warranted in dogs that have uncomplicated surgeries and recoveries.
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