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Psychoacoustical evaluation of floor-impact sounds from wood-framed structures
Authors:Shuzo Sueyoshi
Affiliation:(1) Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 1 Matsunosato, Tsukuba 305-8687, Japan
Abstract:Floor-impact sounds may introduce noise problems in dwelling-type environments. In particular, floor-impact sounds from lightweight structures like wood-framed buildings should be paid significant attention. In this study, such floor-impact sounds were investigated from the viewpoint of residents. The floor specifications of wood-framed structures were improved by using high-density underlay, and heavy floor-impact sounds were evaluated by using both psychoacoustical and conventional methods. The results showed that the floor-impact sound insulation grades specified in the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) did not correspond to the floor specifications of wood-framed structures. The nonstationary loudness, which is a psychoacoustical index for nonstationary sounds, changed with the specifications of wood-framed structures in a wider range of floor-impact sound levels in comparison with the maximum A-weighted sound pressure level, which is a single-number index of the JIS.
Keywords:Floor-impact sound  Wood-framed structure  Psychoacoustics  Nonstationary loudness  Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level
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