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Identification of Sperm-Head Morphometric Subpopulations in Iberian Red Deer Epididymal Sperm Samples
Authors:MC Esteso,MR Ferná  ndez-Santos,AJ Soler,V Montoro,F Martí  nez-Pastor, JJ Garde
Affiliation:Grupo de Biología de la Reproducción, Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos, IREC, (CSIC, UCLM, JCCM), Campus Universitario;;Sección de Recursos Cinegéticos y Ganaderos, IDR, Campus Universitario, Albacete;;CERSYRA de Valdepeñas, Consejería de Agricultura JCCM, Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract:Computer-assisted sperm morphometry analysis (CASMA) was used in this study to identify sperm morphometric subpopulations in Iberian red deer epididymal sperm samples. Epididymal sperm samples were collected from 37 mature stags and were divided. One portion was diluted in a Tris–citrate–egg yolk medium. A microscope slide was prepared from single extended sperm samples prior to freezing. The remainder of each sample was frozen in nitrogen vapours using a conventional protocol. After thawing, sperm smears were prepared as described for extended samples. All slides were air-dried and stained with Hemacolor®. The sperm-head dimensions for a minimum of 145 sperm-heads were analyzed from each sample by means of the Sperm-Class Analyser®, and the mean measurements recorded. Each sperm-head was measured for four primary sperm-head parameters, and five parameters of head shape. All sperm morphometric parameters evaluated were placed in a statistical database and a multivariate cluster analysis was performed. The clustering analyses, based on 10 867 individual spermatozoa, revealed the existence of three subpopulations (SP1, SP2, SP3) of spermatozoa with different morphometric characteristics (p  <  0.001). The proportion of spermatozoa present in any of the three subpopulations remained constant (p  >  0.05) through the cryopreservation process. Pre-freeze and post-thaw sperm quality was in vitro evaluated by microscopic assessments of individual sperm motility and of plasma membrane and acrosome integrities. In conclusion, our results show that applying the CASMA techniques and multivariate cluster analyses, it was possible to determine that three subtle subpopulations of spermatozoa with different morphometric characteristics coexist in red deer semen.
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