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引用本文:肖明,杨文君,张泽,吕新,迟德钊. 柴达木农田土壤Cd的积累影响及风险预测[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2014, 20(5): 1271-1279. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2014.0524
作者姓名:肖明  杨文君  张泽  吕新  迟德钊
作者单位:1.石河子大学农学院,新疆石河子 832003;
摘    要:【目的】土壤重金属空间结构特征是土壤环境质量评价及重金属污染评价的基础。本文用地质统计学方法研究了柴达木盆地原生地和耕种50年的农田土壤镉的空间分布特征,对土壤镉进行质量评价,同时分析了农业耕种对土壤镉积累的影响,调查统计了灌溉水、肥料、农药等农业源土壤镉的输入量,为农田镉积累的风险预测提供参考。【方法】以柴达木盆地诺木洪农场的一块原生地(从未耕种过的土地,可以认为无化肥污染)和一块耕种地(已种植了50年的农田)为研究对象,从原生地采集22个土壤样本,耕种地采集50个土壤样本进行镉含量的测定,同时检测灌溉水、农药、化肥中的镉含量,并进行每年农田输入量的统计。用Excel软件进行数据处理,反比权重法(IDW,Inverse Distance Weighting)插值,GIS9.3进行空间分析和图像处理;以单项污染指数法评价土壤镉质量,评价模式为Pi=Ci/Si(Pi为污染物镉的单项污染指数,Ci为污染物镉的实测数据,Si为污染物的评价标准)。评价标准分别以农业部公布的行业标准《无公害食品 枸杞生产技术规程》(NY/T 5249-2004)和《绿色食品 枸杞》(NY/T1051-2006)产地环境标准要求下的《绿色食品 产地环境技术条件》(NY/T 391-2000)为依据。依据农业源土壤镉输入量,以土壤现状值为起点,以绿色食品标准限量值为终点,测算输入量积累突破两端差值的年限。【结果】原生地22个土壤样品的镉平均含量为0.30 mg/kg,是土壤背景值的两倍(0.14 mg/kg),达到无公害食品(0.60 mg/kg)和绿色食品(0.40 mg/kg)标准;种植50年农田的50个土壤样品的镉平均含量为0.43 mg/kg,是土壤背景值的3倍,达到无公害食品标准,但超过绿色食品标准。用于灌溉的河水的镉含量为0.0036 ng/kg。检测生产中使用的15种农药和7种肥料,其中的镉导致每年土壤镉增加3444 mg/hm2。最严重的污染源是鸡粪,施入土壤后每年导致土壤镉增加2025 mg/hm2,其次依次为复合肥(使土壤镉增加576 mg/hm2),磷酸二铵(增加432 mg/hm2),有机肥(增加360 mg/hm2)。【结论】以小尺度空间分布和全量统计研究的诺木洪农场土壤镉含量这一单一指标衡量,可以看出诺木洪原生地土壤是清洁的,能够满足无公害、绿色食品的生产;但是研究选择的多年耕种田已经遭到重金属镉的污染,只能达到无公害食品标准,而达不到绿色食品标准。现行生产中的施肥措施是导致诺木洪土壤重金属镉污染的一个重要因素,其中鸡粪对镉污染的贡献最大,其次是复合肥、磷酸二铵和有机肥。如果继续现在这种耕种方式,以现有的原生地镉含量均值为0.30 mg/kg进行计算,76.3年后该土地镉含量将超过0.40 mg/kg的绿色标准上限。

关 键 词:积累     肥料   柴达木   土壤   风险预测

Cadmium accumulation in soil and risk prediction in the Qaidam Basin
XIAO Ming,YANG Wen-jun,ZHANG Ze,LXin , CHI De-zhao. Cadmium accumulation in soil and risk prediction in the Qaidam Basin[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2014, 20(5): 1271-1279. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2014.0524
Authors:XIAO Ming  YANG Wen-jun  ZHANG Ze  LXin    CHI De-zhao
Affiliation:1.Agricultural College of Shihezi University,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832003,China;
Abstract:This study characterized and mapped the spatial distribution of total and available cadmium in original land and farmland soils in the Qaidam basin,China,using geostatistical methods. 22 soil samples from original land (native soil that had never been farmed) and 50 soil samples from farmland (that had been farmed for 50 years) were analyzed cadmium content of soil at Nuomuhong farm in the Qaidam basin. In the original land soil,the mean cadmium content was 0.30 mg/kg,two times the background level (0.14 mg/kg). This met both the pollution-free food (0.60 mg/kg) and the green food (0.40 mg/kg) standards. In the farmland soil,the mean cadmium content was 0.43 mg/kg,three times the background level. This was lower than the pollution-free food standard,but higher than the green food standard. Irrigation water from river cadmium content was 0.0036 ng/kg. 15 kinds of pesticides,fungicides,herbicides and plant hormones were detected and found to carry 17.17 mg/ha of cadmium to the soil per year. 7 kinds of fertilizer contributed 3444 mg/ha of cadmium to the soil per year. The most serious source of pollution was chicken manure,which contributed 2025 mg/ha per year. This was followed by compound fertilizer (576 mg/ha per year), Diammonium Phosphate(DAP) (432 mg/ha per year),and organic fertilizer (360 mg/ha per year). Fertilization is thus a major source of cadmium pollution in the soil. About pH 8 adsorption of cadmium alkaline soils are highly difficult to drain,if agricultural practices at the Nuomuhong farm do not change,the original land cadmium contents will exceed the green food standards upper limit of 0.4 mg/kg after 76.3 years.
Keywords:cadmium  fertilizer  Qaidam Basin  soil  risk prediction
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