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引用本文:王金凤,柳新红,陈卓梅. 紫薇属植物育种研究进展[J]. 园艺学报, 2013, 40(9): 1795-1804
作者姓名:王金凤  柳新红  陈卓梅
作者单位:浙江省林业科学研究院,杭州 310023
摘    要: 对中国紫薇属植物种质资源进行了详细介绍,从选择育种、杂交育种、诱变育种等方面对国内外紫薇属植物的育种进展和育种成果进行综述,重点突出了国外以不同育种目标进行杂交而取得的育种成果,并对紫薇属植物的育种前景进行展望,提出将现代分子育种与传统育种手段结合,培育花色鲜艳丰富、气味清香、花期持久的紫薇品种是未来紫薇育种的主要发展趋势。

关 键 词:紫薇  种质资源  育种

Research Progress in Breeding of Lagerstroemia Plant
WANG Jin-Feng,LIU Xin-Hong,CHEN Zhuo-Mei. Research Progress in Breeding of Lagerstroemia Plant[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2013, 40(9): 1795-1804
Authors:WANG Jin-Feng  LIU Xin-Hong  CHEN Zhuo-Mei
Affiliation:Zhejiang Forestry Academy,Hangzhou 310023,China
Abstract:This paper introduced the germplasm resources of Lagerstroemia in China. The research advances and achievements of Lagerstroemia at home and abroad were reviewed according to different means of breeding,such as selection,cross and mutation. The research achievements by means of crossbreeding of Lagerstroemia abroad was emphasized on different breeding aims. In the future,it should be the tendency of Lagerstroemia breeding to create new varieties of abundant color,long florescence and fragrant flower with the combination of molecular breeding and traditional methods.
Keywords:Lagerstroemia Lagerstroemia  germplasm  breeding
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