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引用本文:王摆,陈仲,关晓燕,姜北,高杉,蒋经伟,李楠,周遵春. 辽东湾仿刺参养殖池塘底质环境季节变化[J]. 水产科学, 2016, 0(6): 607-612. DOI: 10.16378/j.cnki.1003-1111.2016.06.001
作者姓名:王摆  陈仲  关晓燕  姜北  高杉  蒋经伟  李楠  周遵春
摘    要:2013年夏季、秋季和2014年冬季、春季采集辽东湾底充氧和未充氧的仿刺参养殖池塘沉积物样品,2014年春季采集仿刺参发病池塘沉积物样品,分别检测了-5~0cm、-10~-5cm、-15~-10cm 3个层面沉积物的温度、硫化物含量、pH、氧化还原电位,同时监测各池塘表、底层海水温度、盐度、溶解氧、pH、氧化还原电位,探讨两种池塘沉积物底质环境的季节变化规律及春季仿刺参发病池塘与两种未发病池塘沉积物4个指标的变化规律。结果发现,底充氧池塘和未充氧池塘沉积物均呈弱碱性和还原性,两种池塘不同深度沉积物硫化物含量、pH、氧化还原电位的季节变化差异显著,其中,底充氧池塘沉积物各季节硫化物含量显著低于未充氧池塘;池塘沉积物的氧化还原环境与底层海水理化环境存在相关性。与未发病池塘相比,春季发病池塘沉积物呈弱酸性,氧化还原环境为弱还原特性,硫化物含量显著高于未发病池塘。上述结果为仿刺参池塘生态健康养殖和科学管理提供参考。

关 键 词:仿刺参养殖池塘  沉积物  氧化还原环境  硫化物含量  季节变化

Seasonal Environment Changes in Sediments of Sea Cucumber Aquaculture Ponds in Liaodong Bay
Abstract:The oxygenated (OBP) and unoxygenated (UOP) at bottom ,the temperature ,sulfide content , pH and Eh at three layers (-5~0 cm ,-10~ -5 cm ,-15~ -10 cm) of the sediment were detected in summer ,autumn ,in 2013 ,and winter ,spring in 2014 ,meanwhile the temperature ,salinity ,DO ,pH , Eh of the sea surface and bottom water in the pond were detected to study the seasonal benthic environ‐ment changes of sea cucumber A postichopus j aponicus aquaculture ponds .The temperature ,sulfide con‐tent ,pH and Eh of sediment were compared between the pond without diseases (PO) and pond with disea‐ses (PD) during ice melted period .The results showed that there were significantly change in values of pH ,and reducibile oxidation‐reduction potential ,and in sulfide content in different layers in different sea‐sons in the sediments in both OBP and UOP .The sulfide content of the OBP sediment were significant lower than that in the UOP at the different seasons .There was correlationship between the oxidation‐re‐duction environment of sediment and the physic‐chemical environment of bottom sea water .Compared to the PO ,the pH of PD sediment was weakly acidic ,the oxidation‐reductionenvironment of the PD sediment was weak reduction features ,and the sulfide content of the PD sediment was significantly higher during ice melted period .T he findings provide basic data for ecological health cultivation and scientific management of sea cucumber aquaculture .
Keywords:sea cucumber aquaculture pond  sediment  oxidation-reduction environment  sulfide content  seasonal change
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