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Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) grazing on duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza)
Authors:Irena Pípalová
Affiliation:(1) Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology in Vod"ncaron"any Záti"scaron"í 728/II, University of South Bohemia in "Ccaron"eské Bud"ecaron"jovice, CZ – 389 25 Vod"ncaron"any, Czech Republic;(2) Present address: Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in "Ccaron"eské Bud"ecaron"jovice, Studentská 13, CZ – 370 05 "Ccaron"eské Bud"ecaron"jovice, Czech Republic
Abstract:The aims of this experiment were (1) toquantify the ability of grass carp to processduckweed and (2) to assess indirect changes inwater chemistry and phytoplankton community,caused by grass carp feeding. Yearling grass carp sized 126 ± 7.7 mm (TL) and19.6 g in weight were kept in 9 laminate tanksof 1 m3 for 14 days. Two stockingdensities (2 and 6 fish per m3) anda control without fish were used. Standard growthrate (SGR) of grass carp fed exclusively onduckweed was 0.70% body weight (BW) d–1and food conversion ratio (FCR) reached 2.0(average water temperature =21.1 ± 3.8 °C). Daily food intakewas 0.2 g of duckweed dry weight (DW), i.e.,1% of average BW of grass carp. SGR ofduckweed growing in 20 × 20 cm floatingenclosures, differed significantly[F(6,2) = 417.9; p = 0.002] between the twostocking densities of grass carp and thecontrol tanks (without fish). Mean SGR ofduckweed was 0.02 g g–1 day–1 and thehighest SGR was recorded in the control tanks.Both decrease in NH4-N and increase inNO2-N concentrations differedsignificantly between the treatments[F(2,2) = 45.3; p = 0.02 and F(2,2) = 19.2; p = 0.04 respectively]. Changes in other nitrogenand phosphorus components (NO3-N, TN, TPand PO4-P) caused by stocking of grasscarp were not significant. Biomass ofphytoplankton, dominated by filamentous algaeand blue-greens, increased proportionately tostocking density of grass carp. Althoughduckweed has a large potential for nutrientremoval, the most common pathway for thenutrients released through grass carp grazingif duckweed cover is loose is theirincorporation into phytoplankton biomass.
Keywords:Feeding on aquatic plants  Giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza)  Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)  Growth rate  Nitrogen  Phosphorus
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