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引用本文:任毅,符木,高亦珂. 石蒜属植物育种研究进展[J]. 中国园艺文摘, 2013, 0(10): 15-19
作者姓名:任毅  符木  高亦珂
作者单位:北京林业大学 园林学院,北京,100083
摘    要:石蒜属植物作为一类新型球根花卉,在园林绿化、鲜切花生产等领域都具有极大的发展潜力,培育适应性强、观赏性好的新品种是当前石蒜属育种的主要任务。石蒜属的育种研究主要集中在种间杂交方面,在石蒜不同种间杂交获得了种间杂种。换锦花(L.sprengeri)和中国石蒜(L.chinensis)杂交获得新杂种秀丽石蒜,石蒜(L.radiata)和钟馗水仙(L.traubii)杂交获得的新杂种Lycoris×woodiae等。种间杂交的最大障碍是杂种胚的败育,因此如何克服胚败育是今后育种工作中的关键环节。

关 键 词:石蒜属  核型分类  育种研究进展  种间杂种

A Review of the Breeding Research in Genus Lycoris
REN Yi , FU Mu , GAO Yi-ke. A Review of the Breeding Research in Genus Lycoris[J]. Chinese Horticulture Abstracts, 2013, 0(10): 15-19
Authors:REN Yi    FU Mu    GAO Yi-ke
Affiliation:REN Yi, FU Mu, GAO Yi-ke
Abstract:Genus Lycoris is a new kind of bulb flowers, which have enormous potential on landscaping and production of cut flower. Cultivating new varieties possessing beautiful color, strong adaptability and normal fertility is the main task on breeding in genus Lycoris. The breeding researches have focused on interspecific hybridization, such as Lycoris × elegens and Lycoris × woodiae (The former is obtained from crossing Lycoris sprengeri and Lycoris chinensis, the latter is obtained from crossing Lycoris radiata and Lycoris traubii). However, the abortion of hybrid embryos is still the biggest obstacle on improving varieties in Genus Lycoris, which makes the overcoming of the abortive embryos becoming the key link in future breeding studies.
Keywords:Genus Lycoris  karyotype classification  breeding  interspecific hybrids
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