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引用本文:鲍思元,谭明谱,林兴华. 水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa14的遗传定位[J]. 作物学报, 2010, 36(3): 422-427. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.00422
作者姓名:鲍思元  谭明谱  林兴华
作者单位:华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,湖北武汉 430070;咸宁学院基础医学院,湖北咸宁 437100;南京农业大学生命科学学院,江苏南京 210095
摘    要:Xa14是一个高抗菲律宾白叶枯病生理小种5的显性基因,Taura等将它定位在水稻第4染色体长臂末端。本研究利用中国国家基因中心的水稻第4染色体测序结果,用SSR标记对Xa14进行遗传定位,为进一步用图位克隆法克隆该基因奠定基础。利用775株IRBB14/IR24 F2中的145株高感群体,将基因Xa14限定在SSR标记HZR970-8和HZR988-1之间的区间,与两个分子标记的距离各为0.34 cM,并找到了在该群体中与基因共分离的HZR645-4、HZR669-2、HZR669-5和HZR669-7四个SSR标记。利用763株IRBB14/珍珠矮F2中158株高感群体,将基因Xa14限定在分子标记HZR648-5与RM280之间的区段,找到了一个与基因紧密连锁的SSR标记HZR648-5,与基因的距离为1.90 cM。将两个F2群体的定位结果进行整合,表明Xa14位于分子标记HZR970-8和HZR988-1之间的3个BAC克隆上,并与这两个标记紧密连锁。

关 键 词:水稻  白叶枯病  抗性基因  Xa14  SSR  定位

Genetic Mapping of a Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene Xa14 in Rice
BAO Si-Yuan,,TAN Ming-Pu,, LIN Xing-Hua, National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan ,China, College of Basic Medical,Xianning University,Xianning , College of Life Science,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing. Genetic Mapping of a Bacterial Blight Resistance Gene Xa14 in Rice[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2010, 36(3): 422-427. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.00422
Authors:BAO Si-Yuan    TAN Ming-Pu     LIN Xing-Hua   National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement  Huazhong Agricultural University  Wuhan   China   College of Basic Medical  Xianning University  Xianning    College of Life Science  Nanjing Agricultural University  Nanjing
Affiliation:1. National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2. College of Basic Medical, Xianning University, Xianning 437100, China;3. Life Science College, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
Abstract:Bacterial blight of rice, which is a vascular bundle disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is one of the most serious diseases of rice worldwide, and leads to the yield of rice reduced greatly. The dominant gene Xa14 is highly re-sistant to Philippine race 5 of bacterial blight. The gene was located at the distal end on the long arm of chromosome 4 by Taura et al. Near-isogenic line in the background of IR24, namely IRBB14 carrying the gene Xa14 has been developed at International Rice Rese...
Keywords:Xa14  SSR  Rice  Bacterial blight  Resistance gene  Xa14  SSR  Genetic mapping
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