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引用本文:刘琳,姜韬,李玉灵,李继泉,左宗林. 冀北山地不同生境下土壤种子库特征分析[J]. 东北林业大学学报, 2012, 40(7): 112-115,120
作者姓名:刘琳  姜韬  李玉灵  李继泉  左宗林
作者单位:1. 河北农业大学,保定,050200
2. 木兰围场国有林场管理局
3. 河北农业大学
摘    要:比较了冀北山地未封禁区、封禁区、自然保护区的土壤种子库物种组成、密度、多样性,并探讨了地上植被与土壤种子库间的相似性关系。结果表明:①冀北山区种子库主要以多年生草本为主,1年生次之,半灌木很少出现。未封禁区与自然保护区种子库密度较大,分别为3 446.21、3 405.35粒.m-2,封禁区内最小,为2 009.07粒.m-2;②Shannon-wiener指数、Margalef丰富度指数:自然保护区>封禁区>未封禁区(P<0.01);③未封禁区和封禁区的土壤种子库物种相似性较高,均与自然保护区相似性较低。未封禁区、封禁区和自然保护区种子库与地上植被间的相似性系数分别是:0.235、0.272和0.333,随着生境条件的转好,其相似性指数增高。

关 键 词:冀北山地  土壤种子库  种子多样性

Characteristics of Soil Seed Bank Under Different Habitats in Hebei Mountainous Region
Liu Lin , Jiang Tao , Li Yuling , Li Jiquan , Zuo Zonglin. Characteristics of Soil Seed Bank Under Different Habitats in Hebei Mountainous Region[J]. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 2012, 40(7): 112-115,120
Authors:Liu Lin    Jiang Tao    Li Yuling    Li Jiquan    Zuo Zonglin
Affiliation:(Agricultural University of Hebei)
Abstract:A study was performed to compare the species composition,density and diversity of soil seed bank in blocked region(BR),unblocked region(UR) and natural reserves(NR) in Hebei mountainous regions.The relationship between standing vegetation and seed banks was discussed.Results showed that the seed banks in this region were dominated by perennial herbs,annual herbs took the second place,and sub-shrubs were hardly observed.The density of seed banks in UR,NR,and BR were 3446.21,3405.35,and 2009.07 granules per square meter respectively.Shannon-Wiener index and Margalef index of NR were the highest,followed by BR and UR(at the 0.01 level of significance).Similarity coefficient of soil seed banks between UR and BR was higher,while the coefficient was lower between UR and NR.The similarity coefficients between soil seed banks and standing vegetation in UR,BR,and NR were 0.235,0.272,and 0.333 respectively.The similarity index increased when habitat conditions improved.
Keywords:Hebei mountainous regions  Soil seed banks  Seed diversity
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