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Assessment of genetic relationships between Rhus L. species using RAPD markers
Authors:Surya Prakash  Johannes Van Staden
Affiliation:(1) Research Centre for Plant Growth and Development, School of Biological and Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Pietermaritzburg, Scottsville, 3209, South Africa
Abstract:Genetic diversity of seven Rhus L. species was assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) markers. Initially, 90 primers were screened, of which 25 produced reproducible amplification products. These primers generated a total of 296 bands, with an average of 11.8 bands per primer. Out of 296 bands scored, 236 (80%) were polymorphic and 62 (20%) were monomorphic. Primers OPC-05 and OPD-05 generated 100% polymorphic bands. The resolving power of primers ranged from 9.4 to 26.8. Similarity matrix values ranged from 0.45 to 0.63. The dendrogram generated using Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) grouped all the species of Rhus in one major group with two sister groups, whilst R. pyroides Burch. and R. dentata Thunb. were outliers. R. gerrardii (Harv. ex Engl.) Diels, R. glauca Thunb. and R. pentheri Zahlbr. constituted one sister group, while R. natalensis Bernh. ex C. Krauss and R. gueinzii Sond. were included in the other. The degree of genetic diversity observed between seven species of Rhus with RAPD markers suggest that this approach could be used for studying the phylogeny of the genus.
Keywords:Anacardiaceae  Arbitrary primers  Genetic diversity  RAPD fingerprinting   Rhus
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