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引用本文:杜增昱 张思温. 无水氨、尿素氨化秸秆饲喂肉牛的效果[J]. 中国畜牧杂志, 1992, 28(1): 7-10
作者姓名:杜增昱 张思温
作者单位:山西农业大学 山西030801(杜增昱,冀一伦,黄应祥),山西省农牧厅农垦局 山西030801(张思温),山西省农牧厅农垦局 山西030801(刘明祥)
摘    要:为了评价无水氨、尿素氨化麦秸、玉米秸饲喂肉牛的效果,用42头肉用生长母牛及阉牛进行了80天饲养试验。试验开始牛平均体重为135公斤,按随机区组设计分为7组,占干物质3%的无水氨氨化麦秸组(WA)、占干物质5.4%的尿素加大豆粉氨化麦秸组(WUS)、麦秸组(W);占干物质3%的无水氨氨化玉米秸组(CA)、占干物质5.4%的尿素加大豆粉氨化玉米秸组(CUS)、占干物质5.4%的尿素氨化玉米秸组(CU)、玉米秸组(C).各组牛秸秆自由采食,混合精料按体重的1%喂给。为了平衡日粮粗蛋白质水平,W组及C组每日每头分别加喂32克和37克尿素。试验结果表明:秸秆经氨化处理后含氮量提高88-151%,肉牛采食每公斤秸秆干物质的时间显著缩短。WA组、WUS组、W组、CA组CUS组、CU组和C组的日增重分别为0.66、0.54、0.52、0.57、0.63、0.56、0.48公斤(P<0.01)。添加大豆脲酶对尿素氨化玉米秸的效果无明显影响。

关 键 词:无水氨  尿素  氨化  麦秸  玉米秸  肉牛  日增重

Effect of Ammonia Treatment on the Nutritive Values of Wheat Straw and Corn Stover Fed Beef Cattle
Du Zengyu et al. Effect of Ammonia Treatment on the Nutritive Values of Wheat Straw and Corn Stover Fed Beef Cattle[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal Science, 1992, 28(1): 7-10
Authors:Du Zengyu et al
Abstract:A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the feeding values of wheat straw and corn stover treated with anhydrous ammonia (NH3) or urea. 42 heifers and steers weighing initially 135 kg were used in a random block design with 7 groups of cattle. The straws including corn stover were fed ad libitum in all groups.The results showed that ammoniation significantly increased the nitrogen content of straws from 88 to 151% and decreased ingestion time per kg of the straw DM, Live-weight gains (kg/day) were 0.66, 0.54, 0.57> 0.63,0.56 and the control group of wheat sfraw and corn sfover were 0.52 and 0.48.
Keywords:Anhgdrous ammonia   Urea   Ammoniation   Wheat straw   Corn stover   Beef cattle.  
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