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引用本文:张树兰,刘俊梅,黎青慧,封涌涛,杨学云,常艳丽. 秸秆覆盖下旱地小麦收获指数降低的原因解析[J]. 上海交通大学学报(农业科学版), 2014, 0(1): 47-51
作者姓名:张树兰  刘俊梅  黎青慧  封涌涛  杨学云  常艳丽
作者单位:(1.西北农林科技大学/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室, 陕西 杨凌 712100; 2.陕西省土壤肥料工作站, 陕西 西安 710003; 3.宝鸡市农业技术推广服务中心, 陕西 宝鸡 721000)
摘    要:结合田间试验与文献资料,分析了旱地秸秆覆盖条件下小麦收获指数降低的原因。结果表明,虽然大多数资料显示秸秆覆盖能够增加小麦产量,但是覆盖较常规耕作小麦收获指数下降最高达20%,这个现象不容忽视。其原因可能是:(1)小麦生育前期旺长消耗大量土壤水分,造成小麦后期严重的水分胁迫,影响籽粒灌浆。(2)小麦后期水分胁迫可能引起冠层温度升高,导致热胁迫对籽粒灌浆不利;(3)旱地小麦氮肥播前一次施用方式有可能引起小麦后期氮营养不足,加速叶片衰老,影响花后光合产物形成,也不利于籽粒灌浆。

关 键 词:小麦;收获指数;秸秆覆盖;氮素;冠层温度

Analysis of the causes of wheat harvest index reduction under straw mulching on dryland
ZHANG Shu-lan,LIU Jun-mei,LI Qing-hui,FENG Yong-tao,YANG Xue-yun,CHANG Yan-li. Analysis of the causes of wheat harvest index reduction under straw mulching on dryland[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Agricultural Science), 2014, 0(1): 47-51
Authors:ZHANG Shu-lan  LIU Jun-mei  LI Qing-hui  FENG Yong-tao  YANG Xue-yun  CHANG Yan-li
Abstract:Based on field experiments and published data, this paper analysed the causes of wheat harvest index reduction under straw mulching in comparison with conventional management on dryland. Generally, many studies showed that straw mulching increased wheat yield.However, the harvest index decreased by 20% for straw mulching as compared with the conventional management. This decrease in harvest index were probably related to: (1) overuse of soil water before anthesis, which resulted in severe water stress during grain filling stage; (2) higher canopy temperature during grain filling stage; (3) leaf senescence and decreased leaf assimialation owing to the only once application of nitrogen fertilizer as basal. However, more work is needed to elucidate the mechanism underlying this reduction in harvest index.
Keywords:wheat   harvest index   straw mulching   nitroegn management   canopy temperature
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