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引用本文:徐圣旺,孙凡,姚小华,何丙辉,任华东,李生. 滇东喀斯特地区季节性石漠化与植被盖度的动态关系研究[J]. 水土保持学报, 2010, 24(1)
作者姓名:徐圣旺  孙凡  姚小华  何丙辉  任华东  李生
作者单位:1. 西南大学资源环境学院/三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆,400716;中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所/国家林业局亚热带林木培育重点开放性实验室,浙江富阳311400
2. 西南大学资源环境学院/三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆,400716
3. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所/国家林业局亚热带林木培育重点开放性实验室,浙江富阳,311400
基金项目:国家“十一五”科技支撑计划(2006BAD03A0303); 国家林业重点工程科技支撑项目(林计批字2006-3)和([2003]88-1); 科技部公益项目(2005DIB3J146); 国家林业局重点项目(2003-053-L53)
摘    要:

关 键 词:喀斯特地区  季节性石漠化  植被盖度  动态变化  

Research on Dynamic Relationship of Seasonal Rocky Desertification and Vegetation Coverage in the Karst Area of Eastern Yunnan
XU Sheng-wang,SUN Fan,YAO Xiao-hua,He Bing-hui,REN Hua-dong,LI Sheng. Research on Dynamic Relationship of Seasonal Rocky Desertification and Vegetation Coverage in the Karst Area of Eastern Yunnan[J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 24(1)
Authors:XU Sheng-wang  SUN Fan  YAO Xiao-hua  He Bing-hui  REN Hua-dong  LI Sheng
Affiliation:XU Sheng-wang1,2,SUN Fan1,YAO Xiao-hua2,He Bing-hui1,REN Hua-dong2,LI Sheng2 (1.Faculty of Resources , Environment,Southwest University/Key Laboratory of Eco-environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region,Ministry of Education,Beibei,Chongqing 400716,2.Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry,CAF/Key Laboratory of Subtropical Tree Breeding , Cultivation,State Forestry Administration,Fuyang,Zhejiang 311400)
Through the seasonal observations with the rate of rock desertification and vegetation cover for these 12 vegetation types at karst rocky desertification area in the eastern Yunnan. The results showed that:The counter-balance relationship between seasonal rate of rock desertification and vegetation cover while simultaneously occur for herbal stage (≤3 a),grass-shrub stage (≤5 a),shrub-grass stage (≤10 a),tree stage (20~30 a) of cultivating mode; sawtooth oak pure forest (20~30 a);armand pine+sawtooth oak(two kinds of 20~30 a and≥30 a),sawtooth oaK~+griffith oak (≥130 a) of mixed forest model, relationship curve as"V"shaped. The counter-balance relationship of tree-shrub stage (10~20 a)of cultivating mode, armand pine pure forest (20~30 a) and armand pine+thorn oak (≥30 a) of mixed forest model while simultaneously occur, the first two modes for "N"type, armand pine+thorn oak likes platform linear. Tree stage (20~30 a)of cultivating rood as "N"type is while simultaneously occur. The rate of rock desertification and vegetation cover for Yunnan quercus glauca oaK~+thorn oak (≥t30 a) is no growth-decline relationship. And at the same time, due to the differences of the forest age, tree species, configuration, there are also some models are synchronized between of them, slightly different for linear.
Keywords:Karst area  seasonal rocky desertification  vegetation coverage  dynamic change  
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