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引用本文:杨木言,王家传. 农村经济改革的成就与深化改革的对策[J]. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版), 1990, 0(1)
作者姓名:杨木言  王家传
摘    要:十年改革,使山东农村经济发生了巨大变化。由统的过死变为搞活,由封闭变为开放,由长期停滞变为蓬勃发展,开始了由自给半自给的自然经济向计划商品经济的转化。按80年不变价格计算的农业总产值十年翻了一番,粮棉油总产量年均增长速度分别为4.5%、26.1%、10.4%,农村人均年纯收入由101.20元提高到517.69元。但改革并非尽如人意,也出现了一些新情况和新问题,特别自85年进入第二步改革以来,改革的难度更大,步履维艰。出路在于坚持改革,在配套改革上下气力。一要在稳定和完善家庭联产承包责任制基础之上,加快价格改革,重建城乡经济利益机制。二要增加农业投入,强化农业这个基础。三要继续调整农村产业结构,积极发展外向型经济。四要加快政治体制改革速度,以促进农村经济体制改革。

关 键 词:经济体制改革  联产承包责任制  农业比较利益

Yang Muyan,Wang Jiachuan,. SUCCESS IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICAL REFORM AND WAY OF DEEPENING REFORM[J]. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University, 1990, 0(1)
Authors:Yang Muyan  Wang Jiachuan  
Abstract:Ten-year reform has made the agricultural economy in Shandong changed greatly.The economy has changed from short or vitality, enclosed and long-term stagnated to in-vigorated, open, and flourishing. The self-supporting or half-self-supporting economy hasbegun to turn into the planned commodity economy. In the last ten years, total agriculturalvalues have doubled according to the fixed price of 1980; annual total outputs of grain, cot-ton and oil have increased by 4.5%, 26.1% and 10.4% respectively; and annual net incomeper capita in rural areas has increased from 101.2 yuan to 517.69 yuan. However, the reform is not perfect, and there are many new problems. Especiall since 1985, the second-stepreform has been faced with more diffeculties. The way out is to adhere to the reform and topay more attention to completion of the reform. First, on the basis of stabilizing and im-proving the contracted responsibility with remuneration linked to output, the price reformmust be speeded up and benefit system of urban and rural economy must be rebuilt.Second, we must put more into agriculture so as to strengthen the foundational position ofagriculture. Third, rural economic structure must continue to be adjusted and theexport-oriented economy must be developed. Fourth, the political reform must be speededup so as to promote the reform of rural economic system.
Keywords:the reform of economic system  the relative benefit of agricultrue  the contracted responsibility with remuneration linked to output
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