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引用本文:陈新美,张会儒,武纪成,朱光玉. 柞树林直径分布模拟研究[J]. 林业资源管理, 2008, 0(1)
作者姓名:陈新美  张会儒  武纪成  朱光玉
摘    要:柞树林是我国东北地区分布较广的次生林,对它的研究具有重要意义。分析了两种类型柞树林的直径结构特征,并分别利用4种分布函数即正态分布、Weibull分布、Gamma分布以及对数正态分布对两种类型柞树林的直径分布进行了拟合,同时用卡方统计量对4种分布进行了检验,拟合结果和检验结果表明:在4个拟合分布函数中,Gamma分布用于拟合两种类型柞树林的直径分布效果更好。

关 键 词:直径结构  柞树  正态分布  Weibull分布  Gamma分布  对数正态分布

Study on Diameter Distribution Simulation of Quereus mongolica Stands
CHEN Xinmei,ZHANG Huiru,WU Jicheng,ZHU Guangyu. Study on Diameter Distribution Simulation of Quereus mongolica Stands[J]. Forest Resources Management, 2008, 0(1)
Authors:CHEN Xinmei  ZHANG Huiru  WU Jicheng  ZHU Guangyu
Abstract:Quercus mongolica stands are secondary forest widely distributed in northeast China and research on them has an importance significance.In this paper,Diameter structural characteristics of two types of Quercus mongolica stands are analyzed and both of diameter distribution are simulated by four kinds of distribution,that is normal distribution,Weibull distribution,Gamma distribution and lognormal distribution ,and by analyzing and comparing a suitable distribution for simulating the diameter structure of the distribution of the Quercus mongolica stands can be selected. Besides the four kinds of distribution functions are tested through chi-square statistics.The results show that:concerning the diameter distribution of two types of Quercus mongolica stands,Gamma distribution simulates much better than that of others.
Keywords:diameter structure   Quercus mongolica stand   normal distribution   Weibull distribution   Beta distribution   Gamma distribution   lognormal distribution
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