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引用本文:龚宇,石志增,花家嘉,王爱军. 唐山地区水资源的气候特征分析[J]. 中国农业气象, 2009, 30(4): 509-514. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2009.04.008
作者姓名:龚宇  石志增  花家嘉  王爱军
作者单位:1. 唐山市气象局,河北唐山,063000;河北省气象与生态环境实验室,石家庄,050021
2. 唐山市气象局,河北唐山,063000
摘    要:地面蒸发量、气温和降水是估算水资源各分量的重要物理量。利用唐山地区7个站点1959-2006年的月平均气温及月降水资料,分析了唐山地区气温、降水的变化特征,用高桥浩一郎的陆面蒸发经验公式估算了蒸发量,并分析计算了相应的降蒸差及其演变特征。结果显示:(1)自1995年发生由冷到暖的突变以来,当地气温呈显著上升趋势,线性倾向值为0.3℃/10a。(2)降水量、蒸发量和降蒸差季节分布和逐月分布一致,1月最小,7月最大。夏季降水最为丰富,秋季次之,春季和冬季最少。(3)降水量和降蒸差的年际间变幅很大(降水距平值范围为-260.3-384.9mm),且呈减少趋势,蒸发量变幅没有降水量变幅大(蒸发距平值范围为-127.4~147.1mm),且年际间相对稳定。(4)未来本地区旱涝问题依然存在,水资源短缺的形势依然严峻。

关 键 词:气温  蒸发  降水  降蒸差

Climatic Characteristics Affecting Water Resources in Tangshan Region
GONG Yu,SHI Zhi-zeng,HUA Jia-jia,WANG Ai-jun. Climatic Characteristics Affecting Water Resources in Tangshan Region[J]. Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 2009, 30(4): 509-514. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2009.04.008
Authors:GONG Yu  SHI Zhi-zeng  HUA Jia-jia  WANG Ai-jun
Affiliation:GONG Yu, SHI Zhi-zeng , HUA Jia-jia , WANG Aiojun( 1. Tangshan Meteorological Bureau, Tangshan 063000, China; 2. Laboratory of Meteorological and Ecology Environment of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050021 )
Abstract:The ground evaporation, temperature and precipitation are important parameters for estimating the water resources. By using the data of month mean temperature and month precipitation in 1959 -2006 from seven meteorological stations in Tangshan, the characteristics of atmospheric temperature and precipitation changes was analyzed. The land evaporation empirical equation of Takahashi's Equation was applied to estimate evaporation, water resources and other parameters related to water resources. The results showed that the temperature increased significantly in Tangshan since 1995. The linear trend of the increasing temperature was with 0.3℃ per decade. The seasonal distribution of precipitation, evaporation and available water resources was in accordance with the monthly distribution. The precipitation and water resources varied greatly in different year. The anomaly precipitation was between - 260. 3 mm and 384. 9 mm with a decreased trend. The evaporation did not change obviously with anomaly evaporation between - 127. 4mm and 47.1 mm, and its inter-annual value was rather steady. The risks of the future droughts and floods in the region still existed and water resources shortage was one of the faced challenges.
Keywords:Temperature  Evaporation  Precipitation  Difference of precipitation to evaporation
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