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引用本文:邢震,王文奎,欧珠,朗杰,姜波,尼玛次仁. 西藏林芝地区引种栽培木本观赏植物研究初报[J]. 江苏林业科技, 2002, 29(5)
作者姓名:邢震  王文奎  欧珠  朗杰  姜波  尼玛次仁
作者单位:1. 西藏农牧学院林学系,西藏,林芝,860000
2. 福州市规划设计院,福建,福州,350003
3. 西藏林芝地区局,西藏,林芝,860000
摘    要:结合西藏林芝地区“福建园”绿化工程建设 ,首次在露地条件下引种栽培了 35种观赏植物。从引种苗木的成活率以及景观表现来看 ,在本次引种中 ,初期生长表现较好的植物有 :碧桃、日本晚樱、紫叶李、垂丝海棠、贴梗海棠、结香、榆叶梅、二乔玉兰、鸡爪槭、腊梅、紫竹等 11种。生长表现良好或一般的植物有 :三角枫、元宝枫、金丝垂柳、火棘、红叶桃、迎春花、美国地锦、紫藤、梅花、重瓣红石榴、红叶小檗、南天竹、红瑞木、白丁香、棣棠、垂枝连翘等16种 ,它们的成活率在 70 %以上 ,对这些植物在栽培中应注意选择适宜的栽培小环境和改进栽培技术方法 ,以便进一步提高栽培成活率。生长表现不佳的植物有 :紫薇、银杏、紫荆、小叶女贞、杜鹃花等 5种 ,对这些植物在景观构建时应慎重使用。而目前在该地区开阔地带不宜种植的主要植物有 :柿、栾树、合欢等 3种。

关 键 词:木本观赏植物  引种栽培  西藏林芝

Preliminary report on the introduction of woody ornamentals in Linzhi Prefecture of Tibet
XING Zhen ,WANG Wen-kui ,OU Zhu ,LANG Jie ,JIANG Bo ,NIMA CIREN. Preliminary report on the introduction of woody ornamentals in Linzhi Prefecture of Tibet[J]. Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology, 2002, 29(5)
Authors:XING Zhen   WANG Wen-kui   OU Zhu   LANG Jie   JIANG Bo   NIMA CIREN
Affiliation:XING Zhen 1,WANG Wen-kui 1,OU Zhu 1,LANG Jie 2,JIANG Bo 3,NIMA CIREN 3
Abstract:Thirty-five ornamental plants have been introduced in the open to Tibetan Linzhi Prefecture accompanied by "Fujian Garden" greening project.Among them,eleven species exhibit their good adaptation such as Magnolia soulangeana,Chimonanthus praecox,Prunus triloba,Prunus lannesiana,Prunus persica,Prunus cerasifera f.atropurpurea,Chaenomeles lagenaria,Malus halliaha,Edgeworthia chrysantha,ect,in view of species survival and outer look.Sixteen species exhibit their average adaptation with the survival of over seventy per cent.Still,there are also five species displaying their appearances more poorly.And recently another three tree species should not be planted open green belts of Bayi Town of the Prefecture.
Keywords:Woody ornamental  Introduction  Linzhi Prefecture of Tibet  
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