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引用本文:马 丹,高丽娜,白 明,李兆千,陈永平. 渤海湾天津海域贝体调查与评价[J]. 河北渔业, 2014, 0(6): 25-29,43
作者姓名:马 丹  高丽娜  白 明  李兆千  陈永平
摘    要:
对2012年10月至2013年10月期间,在渤海湾天津海域采集的毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)、菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)、缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)、脉红螺(Rapana venosa)、文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)、牡蛎(Ostrea cucullata)、四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis)和扁玉螺(Neverita didyma)等常见贝类样品生物类、石油类、重金属污染状况进行调查及初步评价。结果表明,化学污染因子石油烃、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Hg、无机As均有残存,生物污染因子粪大肠菌群、腹泻性贝类毒素也均有检出,但含量值较低。总体来看渤海湾天津海域常见贝体没有受到明显污染。

关 键 词:渤海湾  贝类  重金属  石油类

Investigation and assessment on seashells of Tianjin nearshore waters in the Bohai Gulf in China
MA Dan,GAO Li na,BAI Ming,LI Zhao qian,CHEN Yong ping. Investigation and assessment on seashells of Tianjin nearshore waters in the Bohai Gulf in China[J]. Hebei Fisheries, 2014, 0(6): 25-29,43
Authors:MA Dan  GAO Li na  BAI Ming  LI Zhao qian  CHEN Yong ping
Affiliation:(Quality of Fishery Environment and Aquatic Products Supervision and Testing Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Tianjin 300221, China)
Biological ,petroleum ,heavy matel were investigated in shellfish samples which collected from Oct 2012 to Oct 2013 in Tianjin nearshore waters in the Bohai Gulf in China ,which including Scapharca subcrenata ,Ruditapes philippinarum ,Sinonovacula constricta ,Rapana venosa ,Meretrix meretrix ,Ostrea cucullata ,Mactra veneriformis ,Neverita didyma .The preliminary assessment on the pollution situation of the seashells was made .The results showed that petroleum ,Cu ,Zn ,Pb ,Cd ,Hg , As of chemical pollution factors were tested .Fecal coliform and DSP of biological pollution factors were also positive but the level not high .Generally ,seashells of Tianjin nearshore waters in the Bohai Gulf were not obviously contaminated.
Keywords:Bohai Gulf  seashells  heavy matel  petroleum
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