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Spatial patterns of shrub cover after different fire disturbances in the Pyrenees
Authors:Francesc Montané  Pere Casals  Marc Taull  Bernard Lambert  Mark R. T. Dale
Affiliation:1. Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC), Ctra. de St. Llorenys de Morunys, Km 2 (Ctra. Vella), 25280, Solsona, Spain
2. Fundación Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (CEAM), Parque Tecnológico, C/ Charles R. Darwin, 14, 46980, Paterna, Spain
3. Service élevage environnement, Bureau Commun Agricole (SIME-SUAMME), Rue de la Gare, 66500, Prades, France
4. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, T6G2E9, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • ? Woody encroachment into grasslands is a worldwide phenomenon. In the Pyrenees, fire has been used as a management tool to transform part of the encroached land to grassland.
  • ? This study aims to compare the spatial patterns of shrub cover 4 y after 4 different fire disturbances (prescribed burning, repeated prescribed burning, wildfire in 20 year-old shrubs and wildfire in 5 year-old shrubs); and also to compare shrub cover after different fire disturbances, accounting for spatial autocorrelation. The study focuses on the shrub Cytisus balansae. Two-dimensional transects (20 × 0.5 m) were established to monitor shrub cover for 4 y after each disturbance type. Autoregressive models and Markov models were used with a Monte Carlo procedure to account for the presence of spatial autocorrelation.
  • ? Shrub cover was greater after prescribed burning than after repeated prescribed burning, and it increased with shrub age before disturbance. Differences in spatial patterns were detected in shrub patch size, with repeated prescribed fires and wildfires reducing shrub patch size by half in comparison with prescribed burning.
  • ? From the management point of view, the effects of repeated prescribed burning were similar to those of a wildfire on reducing shrub cover and shrub patch size.
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