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Genetic parameters and trends for production and reproduction traits in Thai Landrace sows
Authors:N. Imboonta   L. Rydhmer  S. Tumwasorn  
Affiliation:aDepartment of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand;bDepartment of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7023, S-750 07, Sweden
Abstract:Data from Thai Landrace sows were used to estimate the genetic parameters and trends for production and reproduction traits, over the first four parities. The reproduction traits investigated were age at first conception (AFC), total number of piglets born per litter (TB) and weaning to first service interval (WSI). The reproduction data was gathered from 9194 litters born between 1993 and 2005. The production measures were average daily gain (ADG) and backfat thickness (BF). These were recorded from 4163 boars and 15 171 gilts. Analyses were carried out using a multivariate animal model inputting average information restricted maximum likelihood procedures. Heritability estimates on the reproduction traits for AFC was 0.21, for TB in the first four parities it ranged from 0.02 to 0.11 and for WSI over the first three parities it ranged from 0.16 to 0.18. Heritability estimates for production traits were: 0.31 (ADG) and 0.45 (BF). AFC was genetically correlated favorably with TB (− 0.48) and WSI (0.35) in the first parity. Genetic trends were 4.71 g, − 0.23 mm and 0.23 days per year for ADG, BF and AFC respectively. There was no genetic progress for the other traits. It was concluded that selection for low AFC will increase TB and decrease WSI. The results further revealed that the ongoing selection being used improved growth rate and reduced backfat thickness. However, there was no genetic improvement in TB.
Keywords:Reproduction   Production traits   Genetic parameters   Trends   Pig
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