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Hatchery production of diploid and triploid clams, Tapes dorsatus (Lamarck 1818): a potential new species for aquaculture
Authors:John A. Nell   Wayne A. O'Connor   Rosalind E. Hand  Stuart P. McAdam

NSW Fisheries, Brackish Water Fish Culture Research Station, Salamander Bay, NSW, Australia

Abstract:To assess the potential for hatchery production of the venerid clam, Tapes dorsatus, diploid and triploid clams were produced and ongrown until the spat reached 5–8 mm in size. Triploidy percentages at metamorphosis that ranged from 56 to 85% were induced using a 15-min exposure to 1 mg/l cytochalasin B. No differences were observed in the growth rate of sibling diploid and triploid T. dorsatus larvae. Survival of diploid clams to pediveliger stage was however higher. Post-metamorphic growth and survival of diploid and triploid clams remained the same until the clams were removed from the hatchery to outdoor nurseries. Throughout the larval and early spat phases of production, T. dorsatus growth was similar to that reported for the Manila clam, Tapes philippinarum. Based upon its ease of culture, rapid growth and marketability, T. dorsatus are thought to have considerable aquaculture potential.
Keywords:Tapes dorsatus   Polyploidy   Growth — molluses   Larval and spat survival
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